Vacation Time??


this thread and web page is turning into a great example of whats wrong in todays world.

Some of you hate the union because they have lost control of the pension / benifit issues.

some keep trying to convince yourself that you would be worse off with no union, though last time I looked most of the country was non union and somehow survive. In fact the average new house in my area starts at 500 k and I don't know too many two wage earning families union or non-union that can afford them.

some try to convince yourself that the present union is screwed up and the new pretty young union is the one that will be able to sew up your pension plan like a pair of socks. Why because she's pretty and she said so.

A few believe the union or unions in general are raping everyone. Though a realistic appraisal of the rising cost of health and pension benis makes a reduction of all a realistic possibility.

The pension issue itself is so friggin complicated you almost have to have a doctors physics to even hope to understand it.

So the question is was the pension mismanaged by the old union , can the new union do any better or is the whole shooting match a big old complicated pile of cow dung that should have been overhauled when deregulation kicked in.

I just know I'm not smart enough to come up with the answer. :blush:


Well-Known Member
......and then there's Tieguy who can sit in the bleacher's and shout encouragement to those of us on the playing field all the while trying to remember how many millions he has in company stock and what foreign country he's gonna build a house in. must be tough.