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Vote for the recently released Contract

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 7.1%
  • No

    Votes: 92 92.9%

  • Total voters


nowhere special
At first, I was iffy on the whole 22.4 thing. Tried to stay objective. But my final thought about it is this. What prevents this conglomeration from creating a 22.5 next contract? And 22.6 after that? Could start a snowball effect of lower wages passed down from contract to contract. @PT Car Washer has tried to explain this to us time and again. The two tier system has been in place for some already, this will just mainstream it. If the company needs more drivers, then they should hire more. If they need to staff the inside better, then maybe pay better. I’m voting no, and will be educating anyone who will listen in my hub to do the same.
With the creation of 22.4's expect the 22.3's to disappear like the 22.2's did.


Well-Known Member
I think taking the first offer sells ourselves short. For the amount of weight that we move, in all types of weather conditions, is ridiculous. Irreg deliveries have gone way up. And in these current times, the kids of the world know that the real Santa is actually brown.

We've got a big chunk of market share in the sector that literally moves the economy. We should at least do the dance. We need to have a better top rate to keep up with the Ponzi money scheme the Fed calls our monetary system.

I'm thinking 47/hr top rate for regular drivers.


Well-Known Member
I'm a no. I was looking for automatic 9.5 list for every driver with the drivers option to opt out and no work over 70 unless the DOT approved the raise in hours and the employee opted to waive his/her right to 60 hour week. Put the control of excessive hours in hands of those who want it or don't, not the company because they will use and abuse to their fullest extent and beyond.
And we got this. It gave me no language for what I was looking for and so many other reasons (see comments above) to not like it. Problem is, with so much not to like, just wondering how much is actually going to change before it slides through.


Well-Known Member
This is worthless as far as gauging how people will actually vote, oddly enough...apparently someone put up a vote for how people will vote on the last contract, and the results showed a strong "no" vote, but look at what happened with that...unless the votes are rigged, especially this time around.


Well-Known Member
What would you vote for the contract?

If yes what is the reason for the Yes?

If no what is the reason and what solution would you counter with?

Eliminate 22.4 jobs I don’t get why they can’t hire rcpd??

New breathable uniforms that are not uncomfortable

Socks/turkeys “I’m dead Asian serious”

Black Friday pay

Pay progression to be 2 years max

Change the 25 year pension to $3100

Annual company picnics where we shut down all operations for one day during the summer

Options to work schedule 3-13.333 4-10’s or 5-8’s

No more Large Furniture pieces this is not 2 men and a truck it’s just me and this pos hand cart in this uncomfortable ass uniform that will rip as soon as I attempt to make the delivery

Better wages for pt not this garbage they are offering now.. * I’m an off the street hire I don’t know what internal problems y’all face but I’ll stand with y’all cuz I know your job is tough as hell!*

Maybe add a.c for the future trucks made and add a fan in the back so when we’re looking for that 2000 packages we’ll be cool when we find it on the 8000 shelf