Vox Populi


Well-Known Member
tieguy said:
Yep I have a lot of compassion for the victims of this killer who were not allowed the opportunity to appeal their death for 20 years before they were brutally executed.
Sorry tie, I've been unable to log in, and besides, this post makes no sense.

Of course, that's not out of the ordinary.

I think you miss what Jesus was saying in his 'Sermon on the Mount', or perhaps you don't abide by the New Testament and Christian belief; that's alright, too.

PS--In case you missed it, there have been a number of posts deleted. Oh, by the way, did you see the news about congress not getting the same intelligence as the White House?

So far I haven't seen any argument you've put forth having any substance or basis in fact, but if it makes you feel better, you can brag how you outsmarted me, big fella. I'm sure everyone on the reload is impressed.



tieguy said:
Yep I have a lot of compassion for the victims of this killer who were not allowed the opportunity to appeal their death for 20 years before they were brutally executed.

Suzie I apologize if I embarass you but it appears you started to respond to this particular quote and then started going off in a completely different direction. You did appear to comment on my christian beliefs but never addressed the above point. I'm sure it was probably an oversight on your part so I thought I might repost the quote for your response before we move on in the direction you were trying to lead me. Thanks


Well-Known Member
If you are able to express your thoughts in a way that follows the basic rules of grammar, I will be happy to comment on them. In the meantime, could you address the points I made, big fella?
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susiedriver said:
I you are able to express your thoughts in a way that follows the basic rules of grammar, I will be happy to comment on them. In the meantime, could you address the points I made, big fella?

Why yes Susan exhalted keep of english grammar; you would like me to move on to a new subject so you don't have to actually answer the current point. Squirm , lie and steal my little pinko liberal con artist.:lol: :lol:
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Well-Known Member

I believe one should aspire to live by the words of Jesus, whether one is Christian or not. I don't believe that Jesus would approve of capital punishment. His teachings certainly indicate that he would not, especially the Sermon on the Mount.

Whose values do you aspire to live by?


susiedriver said:

I believe one should aspire to live by the words of Jesus, whether one is Christian or not. I don't believe that Jesus would approve of capital punishment. His teachings certainly indicate that he would not, especially the Sermon on the Mount.

Whose values do you aspire to live by?

An eye for an eye as previously stated.


Well-Known Member
tieguy said:
An eye for an eye as previously stated.
Therein lies the rub, big fella. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus says that eye for eye is no longer the way to live ones life. So I would hazard to guess that you are not a follower of the teachings of the New Testament? I dont have a problem with that, just trying to figure where you are coming from. Is there a particular creed you follow, or a mix of Old & New Testament as it suits you?


susiedriver said:
Therein lies the rub, big fella. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus says that eye for eye is no longer the way to live ones life. So I would hazard to guess that you are not a follower of the teachings of the New Testament? I dont have a problem with that, just trying to figure where you are coming from. Is there a particular creed you follow, or a mix of Old & New Testament as it suits you?

I would be more than happy to move on and answer that question once you first answer mine. You don't control this conversation. its give and take. You have to be willing to actually answer a question before you should expect an answer from me on yours. Therin lies your fundamental problem. You are a control freak. You expect to post your point of view. you then expect us to respond to it. If any of us ask you to expand on specific points of this view you then respond by trying to change direction. You never answer a question straight on. Its a give and take and you have yet to give anything. Instead you throw up little road blocks like your little attack on grammar. Tell me how you feel about those 4 victims of this killer who did not have 20 years to appeal thier death when this sadistic killer decided to kill them for kicks and giggles. Then I will be more than happy to answer some of your questions.


tieguy said:
I would be more than happy to move on and answer that question once you first answer mine. You don't control this conversation. its give and take. You have to be willing to actually answer a question before you should expect an answer from me on yours. Therin lies your fundamental problem. You are a control freak. You expect to post your point of view. you then expect us to respond to it. If any of us ask you to expand on specific points of this view you then respond by trying to change direction. You never answer a question straight on. Its a give and take and you have yet to give anything. Instead you throw up little road blocks like your little attack on grammar. Tell me how you feel about those 4 victims of this killer who did not have 20 years to appeal thier death when this sadistic killer decided to kill them for kicks and giggles. Then I will be more than happy to answer some of your questions.

I feel sorrow for the victims and their families. I don't believe in capital punishment under any circumstance. I think a greater punishment for Tookie would have been life in jail, no chance of parole.

Now how about a few answers from you, subject changer?


Well-Known Member
Tie, another post as unregistered may come through. It was me.

You profess to have Christian beliefs, yet renounce the words of Christ. How is this possible? You only accecpt those teachings that don't interfere with your own bias, or what. Do please explain.


susiedriver said:
Tie, another post as unregistered may come through. It was me.You profess to have Christian beliefs, yet renounce the words of Christ. How is this possible? You only accecpt those teachings that don't interfere with your own bias, or what. Do please explain.

Ah sister life is full of ironies. Why just look at you. Preaching the gospel to me while showing more compassion for a brutal killer then his 4 victims.

Selectively preaching the gospel to me while turning a cold shoulder to the victims of Saddam Hussien.

Yes sir almost looks like I have a disciple of Satan trying to spread the teachings of Christ to me.

I think my views are consistent with gods teachings. Jesus preached of compassion but did not in the process promote a lawless society. Compassion does not mean you ignore the punishment.
The bible is consistent on the point of just punishment.
Your killer had 20 years of appeals before he met his death.
His vicitms did not.
Perhaps the compassion we showed was giving this vicious killer time to prepare himself for his punishment.
Perhaps twenty years of appeals proved his punishment was just.
Perhaps we are too humane in applying this punishment thus it loses its ability to be a deterrent.
I do have concerns about capital punishment possibly taking out an innocent person.
I have no concerns in this case.
The 4 victims this man was convicted of killing was merely the tip of his vicious iceburg.


Well-Known Member

I see you are good at putting words in people mouths, but little else.

Christ preached forgiveness, not revenge.

I never justified Saddam's torture, or diminished the evil he did. Saying so is a lie. His actions have been criminal, and should be dealt with in the international courts, just as Milosevics crimes were. There is nothing I can do for his victims or Pol Pot's victims or Kim Jung Il's victims, other than pray for their souls. This does not diminish them in any way.

Killing Tookie did not bring his alleged victims back to life; invading Iraq did not resurrect Saddam's victims. In fact, studies have shown that capital punishment does not deter capital crimes. The pope asked that the execution not take place, what derogatory remarks do you have for him?

As I said, your Christian beliefs seem to be selective, and not at all in line with the actual teachings of Jesus Christ.