wanting to quit workign as ups supervisor

My boss is already mean so when i go back in two weeks i just deal with it some more cause I'm sure ill end up sorting all day doing hots all day just gotta realize thats apart of ups life and if he hates me for talking on here oh well....I try to talk to him but he gets mad at me...so at least someone listens somewhere
was goning to say i appreicate the support/comments and feedback from everyone i have never talked on fourms before and this my first time every communicating like this and sorry about the name.


Well-Known Member
was goning to say i appreicate the support/comments and feedback from everyone i have never talked on fourms before and this my first time every communicating like this and sorry about the name.

You're complaining about how screwed up things are and say you want to quit, but don't seem to be doing anything to change it.

Everybody is understaffed, every department is trying to do things faster with fewer people and less mistakes.

We are getting undercut at every step, with the biggest two offenders being subsidized by the US Government and the German Government respectively. The rate case going into effect next Monday opens the door for the Postal Service to negotiate rates on a large scale in order to compete with us.

If I were on your management team and found out that you were on here bashing my center/district by name, I wouldn't been too thrilled and you would be explaining yourself pretty quickly. It's one thing to explain what's going on and ask for opinions, it's another to come out and openly attack others.

Personally, if it were me that found out you were saying this, you'd be coming up with a game plan for how you're going to fix all the problems you mentioned here under the current constraints. If you can't do that, then you don't deserve to be a supervisor. Be prepared to speak to the problems at hand and provide solutions, even if they aren't asked of you.

If I called you in and was out of line in saying "Sit down and shut up" I would give you all the respect in the world for speaking up and given me bonafide solutions on how to solve the problems. Also, if I said something like that, I would want those who work with and for me to call the 800 number and report my sorry self for harassment and intimidation.

Refusing to go in on you're vacation is fine, it's you're time and honestly I don't think you should be getting called in the first place. But refusing to go in and then saying that a company that has been around for a 100 years can't get a long without you is a problem with pride and personal character.

None of us, including myself, are irreplaceable. Instead of criticizing our management team and the way that things are run, we should be providing constructive feedback. If they don't want to hear it or do it there own way, don't let that stop you from providing feedback in the future, just don't go saying "I told you so".

. . . Getting down from Soap Box


None of us, including myself, are irreplaceable.
This is so true.My wife often says to me when I crawl out of bed to go to work...bye my little worker ant,and thats really what we are.As a whole we are big brown,individually,we are somewhat insignificant.
Well what i didnt tell you on Friday the day after they tried to fire me to fix the problem with the hot packages. i went and grab one of the irreg trains my self and distrubed all the packages to all the pd's to get them out to the trailers ontime. Also instead of having my employees stack them on the ground on friday and then on to an irreg cart latery i autmoically came over there and had them put the pacakges on to a cart and had it seprated ready to go and ended up cutting i think around 25/30 mins on my time doing it that way. So far from what it did he liked and then i went on vaction. But thats what i plan on doing again next time is having things set up and prepared to go before the person even gets there that way im not waiting around...causing service failures. But i don't know if that will work everytime cause irreg carts/trains that pull them are not avaliable all the time, One on friday just happen to be avablible and asked if i could have it. Futhermore, i used to only have 2 people at that one pd instead of doign that when the other 2 on like pd 2 got done i would send them over to pd 3 which is a bottom belt to clean it up which got it done a lot faster..putting 4 people on it and having them sererpating boxes. not sure if that is what my boss wanted but they didnt complain about it on friday so who knows. ill ask him later this week and see how things are going.


It seems like Griff and some other were pointing out the MANNER in which the OP was disciplined and not the fact that he was actually disciplined. Is it necessary to tell someone to "sit down and shut up"? Our new-ish DM started handing out booklets on "Positive Discipline" and bullying isn't one of the lessons. If the guy screwed up, let him know and let him outline the steps for how he's going to not do it again. Yelling, threatening, bullying....all it does is make people angry and resistent. Besides, if you yell too much, it loses its power. You have an adult, professional conversation with the OP about his performance. If he keeps screwing up royally and with no regard to his upper management team, then that's when you break out the raised voice and thinly veiled threats.

I guess thats your advice on how to treat the "Y" generation. I do understand what you're saying.

I grew up in the old days when we did not sugercoat bad news. Today we are expected to give the guy a TLA before we break the bad news to him.

He screwed up and missed service on those packages. I don't agree with the sit down and shut up method of discipline but at the same time if I had the sevice failure I would expect to get my but kicked and I would not try to alibi my mistake by complaining about how my but kicking was administered.

old brown shoe

30 year driver
Adam your job is to supervise people not to do there jobs. You should not be touching the packages inless you are training someone. You should get a copy of the contract and read it.:nono2:
lol tell that to my bosses about not touching boxes hahaha.....he make me sort all day i had so many grievencies filed but they still make me sort dont make since....then they send people home when packages are left DOSNET MAKE SINCE should put in contract.....CANT SEND PEOPLE HOME TIlll all packages in area are serivice are being handled by someone.

Average at Best

Well-Known Member
I guess thats your advice on how to treat the "Y" generation. I do understand what you're saying.

I grew up in the old days when we did not sugercoat bad news. Today we are expected to give the guy a TLA before we break the bad news to him.

He screwed up and missed service on those packages. I don't agree with the sit down and shut up method of discipline but at the same time if I had the sevice failure I would expect to get my but kicked and I would not try to alibi my mistake by complaining about how my but kicking was administered.

I'm not saying that everytime someone majorly screws up that we need to give them a big hug and tell them to try better next time. If you miss service, you deserve to have your butt kicked. There is a better way to administer the butt-kicking method of discipline though.

I just see a lot of management walking around, screaming and cursing at every little thing, so that when something major happens, the screaming and cursing doesn't mean much. My hub managements' discipline tactics are exactly the same if you are a minute late, misload 50 packages, or are caught doing a backflip off of a moving conveyor.

The best division manager I ever had never yelled. When I was a PT sup, a sorter of mine majorly screwed up sorting NDA letters. My FT sup screamed at me, called me every name in the book, but since he did that everyday, it didn't bother me too much. But when the division manager pulled me aside, he just stared at me for about 10 minutes without saying anything. Then all he says is "You need to get your mind right. This won't ever happen again." Done. No yelling, no swearing, but I was scared and indeed, it never happened again.
Adam.....Adam... Adam are you listening? It IS already in the contract that YOU or any other sup is not supposed to be forwarding the progress of packages save a couple of circumstances. Sending people home before the work is finished is not one of those circumstances. In retrospect though, all you, as a member of management, can do is work as directed. It's up to the hourlies that are being sent home early to file the grievances, then if your boss is still adamantly determined to have sups doing bargaining unit work, that monkey is on their back. It will eventually catch up with them and bite them in the butt.
My boss called me this afternoon....As of right now i can not take two weeks vacation and they are making me come back on Monday cause of how bad the sort aisle was running :/. They told me i will have to take it at a later time cause they have k r aduit or something coming up and need me there. I probably get it in writing that they gonna let me have my full two weeks vacation when i come back, cause with peak around the corner they could easily screw me out of it :/


Well-Known Member
If a package has to leave / get loaded on a trailer by a certain time usually the end of the sort then its hot. Could be air or it could be specific destinations that are only serviced on that shift.

As a sort aisle supervisor he would be responsible for making sure everything in his area got sorted to the correct belts. He would then be responsible for making sure nothing fell off the belts or got hung up on the belts. Basically walk the area and make sure its clean of packages.

Sounds like rocket science to me.