So does an abused membership with little faith in leadership. By the way, if the "weak" membership is "to blame" then it's weak from the top down. Membership includes the leadership and if you do C work when you're an A student it's failure.
Put poor, watered down gasoline in a Maserati then you'll get poor performance and it'll struggle to get down the track. Strength starts at the top and if it's weak there it'll be weak all the way down.
I believe in individual, personal responsibility. Each member must stand for what they put into their Union.
I disagree.
In a representative democracy the strength rises to the top. It is not perfect but it is IMO the best way for those who want a better way to throw their hat in the ring and do something.
If anyone in the Union is abusing their power there are means by which to hold them accountable. A membership that is so apathetic to not even to vote will most likely never stand up themselves.
Do you really want the an improved Union experience or do you just want to stay on your soap box and criticize, complain about what you don’t want to do anything about?