This is sad on so many levels. First the victims as they are needlessly killed at a very young age due to some psycho's delusions of injustice at his former workplace. Second is the families of the victims who are left wondering why. Finally you have the rest of the nation in shock and disbelief over the horror of someone being gunned down on live tv.
I just wished I didn't have to say what I am about to say, but it needs to be put out there. The victims of this tragedy have passed less than 4 hours ago and there are already politicians who have begun to stand on their lifeless bodies to push forth sick, and mindless agendas. I wish this weren't the case, but instead of allowing everyone to process what happened and why; we have people who are the scum of the earth in my opinion hoping to play on everyone's emotions in order to further their political agendas. As we move on from tragedies such as these I can only hope that clearer heads prevail when it comes to this nonsense.
Ya, cause we know "YOU" would hate to hear about gun control after this shooting, or ANY shooting in this country. Its easier to pretend "YOU" care about the victims all the while doing nothing to prevent future victims in this country.
How many "Sick" individuals with guns need to kill Americans before you people WAKE up and agree that limiting guns into the hands of the truly sick of this country is a necessary need for the greater good of society?
While "YOU" worry about losing "your" guns, you are willing to allow people like this man to purchase one and commit horrendous acts of violence as long as you get to keep yours.
What is the magic number of deaths in this country (by guns) for you people, before you start to understand how serious GUN violence is, and how many crazy people with guns are waiting in the wings to commit the next mass shooting??
Why are GUN homocides not considered DOMESTIC TERRORISM??
This country has its own breed of jihadist, and they began with the American Gun Owners.