Well, TOS is sticking with his narrative about crazy people with guns.
But.... refrains from repeatedly blaming white people.
I guess us "ignorant white hicks" are to dumb to video the event with a go-pro camera.
That takes this situation, to a whole new level of depravity.
What it really comes down to;
A brother just needed to be
"(Williams) had a level of a long series of complaints against co-workers nearly from the beginning of employment at the TV station," said Dennison, who is now spokesman for the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources.
"That really had nothing to do with his termination, and after a lot of investigation both internally and externally, all of these allegations were deemed to be unfounded. And they were largely under, along racial lines, and we did a thorough investigation and could find no evidence that anyone had racially discriminated against this man," he said."
Bottom line....
He was a loser.
A punk.
A sociopath, that blamed racism for his own personal short comings.
Hence the need, to notify different public media forums.
And, took the wussy way out.
Good riddance.