I can agree with that but my post was a direct reply to the statement of how the economy was so much better now than three years ago. It is not by any reasonable measure. We have been heading in my opinion in the wrong direction for 75 years and each administration has only one answer to add more regulation and more government. Seems to me that someone would eventually stop saying that the answer is to give more freedom to government and decide to reverse course and demand less government and more freedom. Not that things are all bad as we have the wealthiest lower class in the world but at what cost? My opinion is that the cost has and will be to great.
I'd go further than 75 years but regardless of time, point taken and agree. We will get less gov't because the current central planning model is just not sustainable by any measure. It's own weight now has even awoken many who championed for it so just on a support scale, those numbers are in fast decline and I speak of peoples on both sides of the 2 party state. I spoke in another thread of voices abandoning Obama and I think the same will happen in the GOP especially if Romney takes the party nod. Until Perry hit the trail, I thought it was a sure bet but the next few weeks might be interesting and not that Perry is any better either. This is why the astro-turf tea party is so important to keep the party troops in line and loyal. The left is correct about the Kochtopus Tea party movement but what the left shares with the Kochtopus is neither wants a true, free and radical thinking tea party that just might abandon the 2 party state.
As to America having the wealthiest lower class, I'm not willing to buy that completely on it's face. That's about the same argument IMO that an African slave is better off here than in the harsh life of the jungle. Just judging it all from that purely economic angle is not completely honest or a true complete reflection of liberty and freedom. If we're looking at the so-called wealth of the American poor in comparison to other peoples, I think you have to also give very serious consideration to the
"Welfare State to the Rich." Now go back and begin to judge the economic prosperity of the American poor understanding the social safety net as a price floor to support aggregate demand. The poor become a feed fodder twisted like screws from both political sides regardless of the TV sets, cable access and number of cellphones they have.
Them bosses got us fighting on bothsides towards each other and no matter which side wins, they do too and neither one is a real free market.