Van, let me preface what I’m going to say by saying that I like you and I’m sure you’re a nice guy. BUT, from what I’ve seen on here, you have a bad habit of blaming everyone around you but yourself for your misfortune. You are the one who chose to quit FedEx multiple times then blaming management and the company for why you are doing poorly right now. You were a single man with no children most of your life. How is it that you were unable to put money aside for retirement? I was a single mother for a long time, mostly not getting child support. I still made sure to put money into a 401k even though there were times my electricity was briefly turned off due to lack of funds. Please don’t take this as me thinking I’m any better than you, but I had to make very hard choices, including staying with the same company and working 6 days a week for years, to ensure my children were taken care of.
Yes, I have a pension because I stuck with the job, in good times and bad times. My pension pays my bills. The only reason I’m working a full time job right now is for insurance and extra money. I still have my 401k sitting until I need it. My Social Security will come later too. I also have disposable income because I don’t have losers mooching off me. My children are responsible for themselves because I raised them that way.
Face it, you didn’t do much long term planning. I survived while also plann

ing. I also moved a lot, but I made sure I kept the security of the same job. I’m not knocking you for traveling around and living different places. I actually wish I had the balls to do that, but I don’t.