So the insurance as you stated can't be a point of contention. You plainly said that "the Trustees of both the West and Teamcare will change shortly after the contract is ratified". So if you think that is so true, why do you think voting no because of Teamcare will change that? The IBT will be responsible not the contract.
Also, I have to agree with the prescription plan being better in the new contract. I've said it before, we have Brothers and Sisters here that could greatly benefit from that plan. I know one Union Brother who is struggling because his son's meds cost so much and this would fix that. Won't fix his son, but maybe if he had some extra money he wasn't spending on meds, he could do more. Or at least give his son some happier days.
We are not cold hearted people asking for an end to this. Just frustrated with where we are and hopeful for a resolution soon.
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