What a surprise, Joe the Plummer is a fake!

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
So, Joe the Plummer asks Obama a legit question. Obama's answer hints at his socialistic ideas. What does the left do in response? Attacks the man that asked the question! So typical. But hey what else is new? That is exactly what they did when the "Obama Nation" book was released. They claimed to prove the book wrong but in actuality they proved very little of the content wrong and went straight for the throat of the author. Calling him a racist and bigot but disproved none of the major concerns posed in the book. And now the same type of lunatics are saying that "Joe the Plummber" is a fake? LOL! Liberals never cease to amaze me. The question and response was real whether or not "Joe the Plummer" has a license or not.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
It should repeal the marriage penalty. I am no longer married so I am penalized to choose to be single carrying the burden by myself without 2 incomes?

I have to pay Higher taxes to pay for there kids grants and so forth to these married foes? What a joke.......

Even if you rent you will split most of the bills. Unless you married a liberated republican women that chooses to stay home and eat bon bons.....and funny to say most of these liberated women enjoy ERI and get a break staying home? I am tired of paying for everyones elses kids...Get off your duff and pay for your own......


Sorry Tie if you are married and have 2 incomes you ought to pay more than the Single person carrying all the weight by him/herself.......It is cheaper to have 2 incomes coming in under one roof.......

And for Joe the plumber and McCain foes? Supposedly he is behind $1100 under The Bush Tax cuts and He still chooses not to pay?........These are the business that will get hurt......Right!!!!!!! I have a feeling that Joe keeps everything he earns and we pay.......Trickle down Economics doesn't work. It trickles up and you never see it again!

Pay your fair share that is all.......McCain needs more houses............I have a feeling his wife has both heads brainwashed!

So you are tired of people taking your money. I guess you have had an awakening. Vote for McCain, or you will be really really tired.


Well-Known Member
Won't be a problem tooner. I won't get into this again with you. I don't make more than 1/4 million a year like you do!


It should repeal the marriage penalty. I am no longer married so I am penalized to choose to be single carrying the burden by myself without 2 incomes?

It wouldn't repeal it it would restore the penalty.

I have to pay Higher taxes to pay for there kids grants and so forth to these married foes? What a joke.......

Even if you rent you will split most of the bills. Unless you married a liberated republican women that chooses to stay home and eat bon bons.....and funny to say most of these liberated women enjoy ERI and get a break staying home? I am tired of paying for everyones elses kids...Get off your duff and pay for your own......


Sorry Tie if you are married and have 2 incomes you ought to pay more than the Single person carrying all the weight by him/herself.......It is cheaper to have 2 incomes coming in under one roof.......


two people making 30,000 a year should pay more then 1 person making 60,000 a year?

You previously stated Obama would only raise taxes on the rich. You now admit he would also raise taxes on the poor and say its ok?


Well-Known Member
two people making 30,000 a year should pay more then 1 person making 60,000 a year?

You previously stated Obama would only raise taxes on the rich. You now admit he would also raise taxes on the poor and say its ok?

It should be EVEN. Why should 2 people get a break because they choose to get married? What I said more in my post I should have said even and not more but actually it would be more than they are paying....

What about 2 people making each 60k in same house TIE? And 1 person making 60k.....Again it should be even.....And it will be if you are making Under 250k as proposed by BARRACK! The increase in taxes over 250 k are .03 percent increase.....or 3 cents on the dollar!


Active Member
Bret636, I'm a little sceptical of the graph (not be dishing, just saying), because I had a friend, Barbara, who when she was working here in Texas as a tax accountant a few years back, her biggest complaint was that small business owners (under $170,000) couldn't afford to do what you've got to do to get any of the small-business-tax-breaks. But her super-wealthy clients were all managing to squirm by with 5% or less actual out of pocket income tax. So while their supposed to pay 20 or 30 percent, they actually pay just 5 percent after an accountants been playing with it.


Active Member
JustTired, a flat tax, and also a sales tax too for that matter, are alternate ways to tax the poor. We have a (supposidly) have a progressive tax system which was designed by some smart economist somewhere so that "those who can afford to carry the burden of society may do so". Sales tax is another form of flat tax.

Look at it this way, if I have $100, and I earn minimal wage, that hundred bucks is the difference between me and dinner!! Its a large part of my annual income. A flat tax or a steep sales tax would mean I have to go hungry, or to jail, instead. Have you ever had just a couple bucks, and when the lady rings up tacos you have to scrounge for pennies? That's me before refinancing the house a few years back.

Still, we talk about alot of stuff, and that's good. Yet the underlying root cause of America's problems go undiscussed.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
JustTired, a flat tax, and also a sales tax too for that matter, are alternate ways to tax the poor. We have a (supposidly) have a progressive tax system which was designed by some smart economist somewhere so that "those who can afford to carry the burden of society may do so". Sales tax is another form of flat tax.

Look at it this way, if I have $100, and I earn minimal wage, that hundred bucks is the difference between me and dinner!! Its a large part of my annual income. A flat tax or a steep sales tax would mean I have to go hungry, or to jail, instead. Have you ever had just a couple bucks, and when the lady rings up tacos you have to scrounge for pennies? That's me before refinancing the house a few years back.

Still, we talk about alot of stuff, and that's good. Yet the underlying root cause of America's problems go undiscussed.
The fair tax gives a prebate to those at 200% poverty level, so just as now they will pay no tax, and even better, there will be no tax taken out of their meager checks to start with, so..........it is a hard habit to break of being against change, but this would be change for the better. Read up and you would see www.fairtax.org. Get over the taxing the poor part. It does not happen. And this way, there will be no waiting for the return of what they did pay.
And yes I have been poor, I have scrounged, I didnt like it there, I moved out.


free at last.......
Still, we talk about alot of stuff, and that's good. Yet the underlying root cause of America's problems go undiscussed.

The "underlying root cause" is greed.

Banks cannot exist unless they have the ability to loan money. They can make low risk loans by doing their homework and calculating ones ability to pay back that loan. But many have crossed the line and started making loans to those who's ability to pay back that loan is risky, at best. That's fine, as long as you are willing to accept the possible consequences. Making a small percentage of such loans can yield big results. But they can also be a liability.

It's no different than going to Vegas. You can take 20% of your money and put it on black. If it comes up red, you still got 80% of your money to try something else. If you go in and slap down 100% of your money on black, you're either going to be "in the money" or broke. The big difference between you and the bank is that there most likely won't be a taxpayer "bail-out" for your imprudent behavior.