What Are The Advantages Of NOT Retiring When You Can?


Well-Known Member
It's entered my thoughts more then once. Will the pension funds allow us or be able to afford us staying on the health insurance for 2 more years?
Pension Funds??? Pretty sure your pension fund won't be affected but your H&W Fund may be, depending on your cost sharing structure.
I hazard to divine what Upstate was opining but I'm guessing he thinks less would retire earlier if they were looking at H&W retiree rates for an extra two years...

want to retire

I wonder what impact the possible raising of the minimum age for Medicare to 67 will have on this discussion.

ALOT! How about means testing? Like "Oh, you have a pension, no SS for you" Or " we regret to inform you that your pension has been reduced by half"....like those in Central States......The origional question was why stay longer? Well, my daughter says(yesterday)" Uh, I need 30% of my tuition today for next semester....." there goes any extra money I had.....and how about the $10,000+books I have to come up with next year.......that's why I stay.

want to retire

Pension Funds??? Pretty sure your pension fund won't be affected but your H&W Fund may be, depending on your cost sharing structure.
I hazard to divine what Upstate was opining but I'm guessing he thinks less would retire earlier if they were looking at H&W retiree rates for an extra two years...

How about all of it evaporates overnight? It happens....alot.


Well-Known Member
ALOT! How about means testing? Like "Oh, you have a pension, no SS for you" Or " we regret to inform you that your pension has been reduced by half"....like those in Central States......The origional question was why stay longer? Well, my daughter says(yesterday)" Uh, I need 30% of my tuition today for next semester....." there goes any extra money I had.....and how about the $10,000+books I have to come up with next year.......that's why I stay.

You don't "have to come up with" any money for next semester is you so choose. I think it is great that you are fully supporting your daughter but find it foolish that you are doing so knowing that you will have to work longer to do so. It won't hurt her to carry some of the burden; in fact, it may help her to appreciate it and perhaps work harder if she has a financial interest in the outcome.

My ex and I fully supported our son in his first year of college. He partied and was asked not to return for his sophomore year. We cut off the checkbook. Since then he has graduated with honors from community college and will graduate on the 15th with a 3.70 GPA all on his dime. He will have roughly $20K of student loan debt to start his career with---not ideal but certainly not as bad as many others.


Well-Known Member
people who are retiring now in my center are on a fixed pension. What you walk out with per month now, will be what you get 20 years from now.

So if you walk out with a 3k pension. 20 years from now that will most likely be like getting 1300 a month.

brown bomber

brown bomber
people who are retiring now in my center are on a fixed pension. What you walk out with per month now, will be what you get 20 years from now.

So if you walk out with a 3k pension. 20 years from now that will most likely be like getting 1300 a month.
If you have all of your boats in a row, 3K should be plenty...plus down the road you could tap into your 401K, your IRA's, and social security...along with whatever investments you have (bank accounts, stocks and bonds, precious metals, and whatever collectibles you have........don't forget you've got a house, that should be paid off, that is too big for you.......DOWNSIZE, it ain't that tough to figure out

brown bomber

brown bomber
why would stay any longer than possible...to make an extra $100.00/ month.......everybody bitches about working @ UPS, yet they stay...I don't get it, take your $3000.00 / month...get the hell out, pick up a part-time job...and relax


Well-Known Member
Why the Hell do you even care when a 30 plus year employee retires?? It's really none of your business when we (they) decide to retire. Not all Hubs and Centers are ran the same. I happen work in a Center that doesn't have all of the theatrics going on that some here post. So why leave a job with all of the top beni's to go go find different work? I'm locked into a 40 hour a week job (22.3 red circle) with hardly ever any overtime. I'll retire when I'm dang good and ready!

NO ONE is forcing you to work at UPS. If you think you are worth more pay or are so special, Quit and go find or create yourself a better employment. A contract will be proposed, some will vote for it and some not. But if it passes and you don't like what you see, then leave. All I have really gathered from this thread is a bunch of "kids" thinking they are owed more because they come to work.


Nine Lives
why would stay any longer than possible...to make an extra $100.00/ month.......everybody bitches about working @ UPS, yet they stay...I don't get it, take your $3000.00 / month...get the hell out, pick up a part-time job...and relax

There are many 30 year+ drivers who are happy with their jobs at UPS and don't bitch and whine all the time ... at work or on here.


Retired 23 years
There are many 30 year+ drivers who are happy with their jobs at UPS and don't bitch and whine all the time ... at work or on here.

Many? I can't say I ever witnessed that---unless you are talking about feeder drivers. Package drivers for the most part all complain---unless they work in upstates bubble of goodness. About the only time you will hear a feeder driver complain is when they aren't getting their 60 hours a week in.


Nine Lives
Many? I can't say I ever witnessed that---unless you are talking about feeder drivers. Package drivers for the most part all complain---unless they work in upstates bubble of goodness. About the only time you will hear a feeder driver complain is when they aren't getting their 60 hours a week in.
We had quite a few package drivers who had the rural - super-rural routes who knew the hours would be long but over 200 miles a day.
I remember some of their loads going out with 50 delivery stops, 65 delivery packages with 10 or so pickup stops with 15 or 20 total packages.
They were happy and since they were high seniority, they had a lot of vacation days off and took days off in addition to that.
I agree that none of the ball-buster route drivers liked their jobs.


Well-Known Member
We had quite a few package drivers who had the rural - super-rural routes who knew the hours would be long but over 200 miles a day.
I remember some of their loads going out with 50 delivery stops, 65 delivery packages with 10 or so pickup stops with 15 or 20 total packages.
They were happy and since they were high seniority, they had a lot of vacation days off and took days off in addition to that.
I agree that none of the ball-buster route drivers liked their jobs.

Exactly! When PAS was being implemented at my Center, I took my DOL home with me and set up my route that I was bid on at the time stop for stop. I kept telling all of my coworkers to do the same, but they just wanted to whine. I KNEW that once the PAS team left my building after a few weeks, I'd be stuck trying to figure their plan out. So by me working a few hours at my desk at home, I set up a route stop for stop that even a stranger could run scratch on. Cover drivers fight to run this route even today when the driver is on vacation. The route was always 200 to 225 miles daily, 60 or so stops, a dozen or so pickups. It was the cats meow for routes. I bid off to a 22.3 Cerk/Air Shuttle job a few years ago.


Well-Known Member
Ok folks here's my story. I am retiring next July. Pension=$3700 per month no debt. $500000 401k wife works 1/2 time earming $5000 per month. $280 per month for her health care and mine at her job. Would you stay working at UPS?


Nine Lives
Ok folks here's my story. I am retiring next July. Pension=$3700 per month no debt. $500000 401k wife works 1/2 time earming $5000 per month. $280 per month for her health care and mine at her job. Would you stay working at UPS?

Only you can answer that.
What do you plan to do when you retire?


golden ticket member
Ok folks here's my story. I am retiring next July. Pension=$3700 per month no debt. $500000 401k wife works 1/2 time earming $5000 per month. $280 per month for her health care and mine at her job. Would you stay working at UPS?
How come upstate says he will get $5000 a month........when everyone else talks about the mid-$3000's ??


golden ticket member
Ok folks here's my story. I am retiring next July. Pension=$3700 per month no debt. $500000 401k wife works 1/2 time earming $5000 per month. $280 per month for her health care and mine at her job. Would you stay working at UPS?

Get out of there and enjoy life!!

You and the Mrs. have no guarantees of how long you both will be around.

Need to focus on what really matters to you. You can always budget if you feel the financials aren't as strong as you like. Just do it!!