What changes do you foresee in the next contract?


Well-Known Member
Then you "know" the annual deductible isn't, directly, a contractual issue.
It pains me to agree with UpstateNYUPSer, but...
Imo they will reduce our coverage before we pay...or sell us a it's a better plan story..........maybe they will negotiate for ups to pay more money and we'll get a healthcare increase next contract

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Starting wage is a waste of time.
What I would like to see is for 9.5 listers to have auto pay of 3x hourly wage go right into their next weeks pay check.

UPS to streamline the feeder training.


Well-Known Member
All I know is that if I have a choice I'd eat at Panera breakfast lunch or dinner over McDonald's. A lot of people are looking for healthier options. McDonald's is kind lumped with smoking.
Took meal at Panera this week. Not a fan of their sandwiches but I enjoy the salads. Good coffee and pastries as well. I was never a big "fast food" eater but I totally cut it out a few years ago. The only one I still eat is chick fil a. Panera is not fast food