I dont know if i want anymore confusion then we already have,everthing at ups is all split up part time pay,full time pay.Hired before this year its this way hired after that year another way,me personally i would like to see things simplified a little.
OK, I would gladly take a paycut for all 22.3s for simplified language and more appropriate work hours.
No more split pay for inside-inside and inside-outside. Only split pay for shift differential.
If your job starts after 5pm or before 5am, you make $4 to $5/hr more. You could also apply this to drivers/feeders, etc. THIS would change the way the jobs are bid. High seniority would not necessarily take the day positions anymore.
90% of our 22.3 inside-inside jobs are twi/mid.
$20/hr for day/twi, instead of $24.16/hr (or whatever your current 22.3 rate is) for twi/mid. 22.3.
$25/hr for day shifter/feeder FT driver, $29.50/hr (or whatever current rate is) for night shifter/feeder/FT inside/FT preload. company and employees win.
Let me put it this way - our day sort is all low-seniority kids who come to work when the want and book off when they want. Save them for the midnight shift, which coincidently has the lowest volume and also asks the most people to take a night off . No more asking or forcing the 22.3s to work less than their 8 hours? Sounds logical!
Why is it the *generally* highest seniority part-timers (who are now full-time), and full-time always supercedes part-time, are forced to work the graveyard?
This is not a complaint thread, but logic.