"It is what it is"
drivers who could care less about making more money. It is more important to for them to get home earlier
And that was the reason for the 9.5 language in the contract, which someone has a hard time living up to. They even try the end run around the language by trying to intimidate the drivers to sign forms saying they dont care about 9.5's.
So it is hard to get drivers to take the contract seriously when the company wont.
Atta, your problem is you think I am personally attacking you or someone else. Believe me, there would be no question if I was of that mind set.
But I also understand those that have nothing in their lives but relativism. Nothing is right or wrong, everything depends on how I feel about it.
Deal with it.
It is what it is. If you dont like it, change it. Otherwise abide by it.