What happened to 12 hour days????


Gravy route
It's not even peak. And when you run out hours to drive on Friday. They can send you back out as a helper. I want double time over 12 hours
They can't send you back out after returning to the bldg after 8 hours in the Central. Other regions need to make this a contract priority.
If I work excessive hours it is at a 14 hour pace. Believe me, they never repeat that kind of dispatch.
A fair day's work for a fair day's pay...14 hours is not a fair day's work.


Well-Known Member
As I said before. I would like triple time after 12. And another break break. We only get 2/15 min. After 10 hrs another 10 min. After 12 I would like 15 min. On their time.


All Trash No Trailer
I ods the center if I'm not going to be in by 9pm ,not my problem I have a donkey dispatch. Come get my pickups.
no, what you do is drive to the center by 830 Pm,unload your pieces then go back on area.of course you need to be back in time to record your missed pieces. We call that Torpedoing


Well-Known Member
And I would like my EAM time to be included in my 9.5 dispatch. In Jan . When we can file again. But I have not seen check. Since I filed for August and September and October. 14 hr days 8 hrs denied. 3 times. The last one. I was so pissed off 8 hr request came in the building. Told I have to go back out. Told them I have an 8 out the gate. Denied nobody is getting 8 hrs. Get an empty car.. Your going back out...which I did. Direct order. Should have walked out. Article 37 did not help me. Dignity and respect is not in our center


Well-Known Member
So Mon at the PCM it was said we can only work 12 hrs. On Friday I ran out of hrs at 430Pm. In 17 yrs never had to bring back stops. Until Friday. 130 pcs. Then they ODS us saying sat is a working day. I laughed. But drivers who were out of hrs went in. So we had sups driving drivers out of hrs on sat. Since they did not have enough drivers. The ones that were out of hrs (60) worked in the hub loading trailers. I didn't work . I want double time over 60