Mink55 :"I'm always tired of the old timers bitching about getting sent back out during peak"
I am a old timer. We never get sent back out, peak or not peak. In the Central Region you can flat out refuse to go back out after 8 hours.
Mink55 : "Been driving for over 10 years now and it's always the same whining from these man children. They get the best treatment during the year and can't ever wipe their tears for the newly expanded peak season (11/1-1/7). Especially with 9.5 grievances off the table the company thrives this time of year (look at our stock). So kiss the family goodbye until you come back from the North Pole in January."
The Peak season exclusion does not extend past January 1 for filing 9.5 grievances.
Mink55 : "Now I'll leave you with the best advice for peak.
As for your elf/helper. Rifle through all them until you can find a decent one (if he/she shows up lol) then mold them to your abilities as best you can. Try to build a friendship. Don't be a grinch old timers, I know a lot of you hate helpers. I see it all the time. It's up to you to take the effort off your shoulders."
Yep, us old timers are going to take the advice of a 10 year driver. Mold the helper? I am not his boss. I don't want him to run. That would get me more stops. Old timers are usually the easiest on helpers. We don't "rifle through" them.