Well, first off as a part timer you are way under paid for the job you do. Hopefully this contract will give you a pay raise that is well deserved..Years ago, I withdrew from the union due to the fact that after the current contract was ratified, UPS weeks later snuck in some changes to the rules of retirement. Several of my senior coworkers had planned and booked a retirement cruise. They went on their cruise, but were not able to retire.. I am not sure if these changes were nation wide, but, they were in effect here in the central states region. I became very upset that the union would all this, and called DC and voiced my opinion about this, and they really cold not give me a valid reason for what happened.. So, I decided to withdrawal from the union, money talks... I recently rejoined the union, 2 1/2 years ago due to all the problems that were and still are going on as far as harassment, threats and the discipline the company is handing out based on electronic information. Unfortunately when I was called in to my managers office, and was belittled, threatened and harassed for over 2 1/2 hours, and my job threatened because I had a valid and verifiably medical condition, my manager said "I dont care about your personal problems". I had just gone to the doctor on Monday and our meeting was on Thursday. The union did nothing for me at all.. I ended up retaining an Attorney, spending over 5K, for her to deal with this situation with Atlanta... Since then, I apply for family medical leave act every year. Just incase I have an issue with my situation...Each year, I use all my time I am allowed for family medical, it is based on the number of hours worked... Getting back to the union issue, they have a purpose, do I believe they do all they can for us ..NO... they use grievances as negotiate other grievances..they at times fail to represent all equally...I have debated over the past 2 years wether to keep paying my dues for a union that has yet again let me down...they allowed clear blatant discrimination... with that said, right now I feel that continuing to pay my dues to allow me to vote in this ever so important contract is crucial.. so I do understand that these dues are a lot of cash, and we really at times dont get our moneys worth, but as of now I will pay with the hopes of a good contract. Otherwise I am out.....