What happens?


Dis-organized Labor

The word is already out that you need that week off and the reason why. At most any other company management would do everything possible to accomodate you but you are dealing with UPS here so my advise would be don't risk your job. :dissapointed: The "small world" comment is right on. I ran into a neighbor in Hawaii that I had no idea was going to be there. If you do go ahead with your plan to just call in don't put an announcement in the local paper saying you were engaged in Hawaii on such and such date.:wink2:

Good point. Too many little details to consider. The risk is not worth it.
By the way, the cost of a big wedding is also not worth it
(not the 1st, 2nd, ...... )


Well-Known Member
The reason i didn't lock it in was because i'm # 16 out of 21 so i asked # 1 seniority to hold that week for me but another guy asked him and freaked out to the center manager about what he was doing. I'll end up just asking there are plenty of people to cover for me and the vacation driver that week unless something *knock on wood* goes horribly wrong. And it's not a big wedding it's just the proposal.


The reason i didn't lock it in was because i'm # 16 out of 21 so i asked # 1 seniority to hold that week for me but another guy asked him and freaked out to the center manager about what he was doing. I'll end up just asking there are plenty of people to cover for me and the vacation driver that week unless something *knock on wood* goes horribly wrong. And it's not a big wedding it's just the proposal.
What if he says no?


Well-Known Member
You can request the time off through HR as unpaid leave. You can take up to 90days that way. It may not be approved, but at least it's legit


Well-Known Member
As a member of management, I would say at this juncture, you need to evaluate your relationship with your management. If it is good, tell them what is up and arrange the days. If you worked for me, I would give you grief for trying the back door week lock in, which wound up bringing a HUGE headache to my front door that I will have to spend hours meeting with the pissed of employee, my manager, the steward, you, your buddy that tried to "hold" your week, and others. All of which for no more money. Thanks a lot pal. Then I would wish you the best of luck and schedule you off for that week, seeing as I have plenty of staffing.

If you do not have a reliable relationship with your management team, you could probably try the call in method without being terminated. Though you might piss off your management team and make yourself, um how should I put it, under closer observation and training for a while. Especially if a few days that week layoff people refuse to come in to cover your route, no one can be found, and a management person has to run it. Which of course will be grieved and they will have to pay someone to sit home.

Now, to those of you encouraging this "sick" call in when he is not sick and advising him on what terminology to use and what UPS can and cannot ask him when he does - I want to hear no more moralizing from you about management only doing what is best for themseves and ignoring the letter and intent of the contract.


Wherever I see Trump, it smells like he's Putin.
Starting your new life off by calling in 5 days one at a time would suck big time. The last thing I would want on my mind in HI on vacation, is my job at UPS, and whether it's secure knowing I just lied every day of it. Can you just imagine having to wake up early for 5 days and psych yourself up for a fake sick call. No thanks. You would be looking over your shoulder the whole time, and chances are good you'd be found out in some unforseen way.
Figure out an honest way to get it done and then enjoy your honest week off with your fiance!


Well-Known Member
Where I work, if we were to call in sick for 5 days, in fact anything beyond three days, then we can be required to see the company doctor to be approved to return to work after our extended illness. At that point, one would have to choose to lie to the company doctor about the "illness".

Since we have to schedule our vacations about 9 months in advance, I would think one could pick a week to go to HI or anywhere else, without much of a problem. I think HI is open year round.

As for popping the proposal, I think your spouse-to-be would be a little concerned that you would put your job on the line by lying to the company about a non-existant illness, so you could get an extra week of vacation on a tropical island.

Honestly, I've always found it to be much easier and much more pleasant to just be honest with my management team, and when treated with that kind of respect, they usually try to accomodate special requests, such as yours. I can think of several drivers who have been in similar situations, and honesty is the best policy.


Starting your new life off by calling in 5 days one at a time would suck big time. The last thing I would want on my mind in HI on vacation, is my job at UPS, and whether it's secure knowing I just lied every day of it. Can you just imagine having to wake up early for 5 days and psych yourself up for a fake sick call. No thanks. You would be looking over your shoulder the whole time, and chances are good you'd be found out in some unforseen way.
Figure out an honest way to get it done and then enjoy your honest week off with your fiance!

Where I work, if we were to call in sick for 5 days, in fact anything beyond three days, then we can be required to see the company doctor to be approved to return to work after our extended illness. At that point, one would have to choose to lie to the company doctor about the "illness".

Since we have to schedule our vacations about 9 months in advance, I would think one could pick a week to go to HI or anywhere else, without much of a problem. I think HI is open year round.

As for popping the proposal, I think your spouse-to-be would be a little concerned that you would put your job on the line by lying to the company about a non-existant illness, so you could get an extra week of vacation on a tropical island.

Honestly, I've always found it to be much easier and much more pleasant to just be honest with my management team, and when treated with that kind of respect, they usually try to accomodate special requests, such as yours. I can think of several drivers who have been in similar situations, and honesty is the best policy.
Honesty and being forthright are always the best avenues. Why start the future on a lie? It will all eventually come tumbling down. Take my word because I'm a reovering LIAR and have been brutally honest for close to 20 years now.


Well-Known Member
Where I work, if we were to call in sick for 5 days, in fact anything beyond three days, then we can be required to see the company doctor to be approved to return to work after our extended illness.

Over here, the union has made it very clear to us that UPS can not require us to use their doctor. We get to choose our own.


Don't believe everything you think
Starting your new life off by calling in 5 days one at a time would suck big time.

Here in the northeast you only have to call in sick once and call when you are reporting back to work. I've seen drivers sent home because they didn't call to say they are coming back to work even if you take one day or five days.


No It's not green grocer!
Honesty and being forthright are always the best avenues. Why start the future on a lie? It will all eventually come tumbling down. Take my word because I'm a reovering LIAR and have been brutally honest for close to 20 years now.

Ya, because all management are always honest and truthful with you!!! [insert sarcasm button here]


Ya, because all management are always honest and truthful with you!!! [insert sarcasm button here]
LOL, I understand you, but nevertheless, honesty helps you to remain solid in a world of cheats and liars. Not pointing the finger at anyone in particular. (Sarcasm Button reused), LOL.