It is. I think we are still north of you though.Are you in CA.? I thought "quad cities" was an Iowa-Illinois thing.
It is. I think we are still north of you though.Are you in CA.? I thought "quad cities" was an Iowa-Illinois thing.
If Texas goes with it? Net gain for the D's.Bet they wouldn't like losing half the electoral votes.
New York, definitely.......that Schumer guy drives me nuts. San Fran is Pelosi. Deroit is becoming muslim central,Dearborn too. Chicago is the main campus for criminal politics and L.A. will take all those Hollywood nuts away.Never mind Texas leaving the U.S. I would much prefer a few "choice " Cities take a walk starting with L.A. , S.friend. , Chicago, Detroit and New York City for starters. Talk about budget deficits and poorly managed in all areas.
treason (ˈtriːz [SUP]ə [/SUP]n)