Answered all my questions, Eng? Oh, boy, how many times do I have to go over this? Verified all information?
First of all, was this post directed at you? I think not! This post was directed at Wildgoose and he STILL has not answered the questions. This further cements the ATTENTION DISORDER that you both seem to be afflicted with.
One more time. The question in this post was: Please post for me and others where you see that Social Security will be deducted from our pension. The next question was: Please post for me where it says that Teamsters will be the "overseer" of this new, company pension.
My questions for you still stand UNANSWERED and UNVERIFIED! They are????
PROVE to me that your city councilman is receiving a pension from the city council, as you claimed months ago and haven't posted or verified! OH, you said go to the website. Well, I did and it don't say squat about a pension.
PROVE to me that your city councilman is receiving wages for his council work, as you claimed months ago and haven't posted or verified! Oh, again, you said go to the website. Well, you know what? It don't say squat about wages!
PROVE to me that your city councilman is attending council meetings on Teamster time, as you claimed months ago and haven't posted or verified! Oh, agin, you said go to the website. Well, you know what? It don't say nuttin about time of meetings!
All you can do is divert the questions back to your hatred of the Teamsters and CS. By your skillful diversion tactics you MUST be management!
Please be advised: I really don't care what the answers are! It's just that YOU brought up the questions! Since you did, I want the answers! Show what you're made of!
You are taking my exact words and turning them around to make it look like YOU said them! Clever!
You and your people want me to post this 9 page dibacle called the "Employer Proposal"?, or else you won't believe it anything we quote from it? Well, you know what? I don't have time for this. I'm not as eddycated as you and, although Cheryl has helped in many cases and is very knowledgable on how to make this into a readable format, I don't feel I have to post this when this info was readily available at our last general membership meeting. Stacks of copies were available to ALL members and should be available at all locals.
BUT wait a minute! If we are NOT members or don't go to any meetings, then we wouldn't have access to this, would we? Hmmmmm, too bad, huh?
Well, I know you and Goose ain't gonna answer these again, so I see no need to deal with you again. I know, I said this before, but your mindless babblings keep drawing me back. This time, I say NO! Keep drawing in the uninformed that are enthralled with this kinda talk and sit back patting yourself on the back. I, for one (even tho I surely ain't as smart as you, because you've let me know that so many times), like to get answers to my questions and you two don't offer any.