What is the REAL reason negotiations have stalled?

Why do you guys give him so much crap? Have you ever heard the term “don’t hate the player hate the game”

You guys attack your union brothers on here more than you do corporate

You call part timers lazy and then criticize him for working too much

You criticize raising part time wage then complain about not enough full time jobs (guess what, if part time pay was same pay as full time inside work, the company would want to create as many full time jobs as possible, because it would be cheaper to pay one guy to do the 2 shifts and pay 1 persons insurance rather than pay 2 people to do the 2 shifts)
Do you want to go full time here?


Inordinately Right
You criticize raising part time wage then complain about not enough full time jobs
I've been clear I don't think part time jobs should exist in a union shop.

I've asked you why you have chosen to be part time, and you didn't answer.

I've also asked you what you think the starting wage should be for part timers, and you didn't answer.

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
I've been clear I don't think part time jobs should exist in a union shop.

I've asked you why you have chosen to be part time, and you didn't answer.

I've also asked you what you think the starting wage should be for part timers, and you didn't answer.

You’re right it shouldn’t exist but ups continues to use it


Well-Known Member
I've been clear I don't think part time jobs should exist in a union shop.

I've asked you why you have chosen to be part time, and you didn't answer.

I've also asked you what you think the starting wage should be for part timers, and you didn't answer.
Why do you care if part time exists lol

Commercial Inside Release

Well-Known Member
For most places, in order to make fulltime jobs for preloaders, they would probably have to spend the last part of their shift as a driver helper. Can't have a hundred guys leaning on brooms for 3-5 hours every day.

Be careful what you ask for...

PT 4 Life

Most-Hated Member
For most places, in order to make fulltime jobs for preloaders, they would probably have to spend the last part of their shift as a driver helper. Can't have a hundred guys leaning on brooms for 3-5 hours every day.

Be careful what you ask for...

They could easily create more full time jobs. You’re dealing with a cheap ass company is the problem.


if there is a strike there will be many people crossing the picket lines to feed their families.......during the 90's strike I pulled a route and the driver would meet up with me on area and we would both deliver....didnt want to strand his customers......when we got back to regular work you can be sure that he and others like him got preferential treatment .......the ones who were idiots on the line were videotaped, identified and when they came back never got any breaks....such is justice or revenge...fair is fair....

I think you friend.O.S.