what parts of your supplement are you hoping to change?


Active Member
The Ohio Rider went down in flames and there was no change in the language.
I think the message there is pretty clear. If you voted no on the master because, for example, your health care is going to be replaced by an inferior benefit, and your regional supplement or local riders fail to do anything to alleviate your concerns about the new master, then one way of thinking is that you should vote no across the board. Sometimes there are people voting yes on the master who will not be affected by the things that concern you. For instance, they already had health care from Central States so they don't really care whether you do or not. Presumably the supplements and riders are there to deal with local concerns that may not apply to everyone on the national contract. If they fail to address those issues, why approve them? Unfortunately now that the master has passed, it will be hard to get the company to budge on anything meaningful.


Well-Known Member
I dont think thats really an option at this point, as we already held a democratic vote and passed the healthcare changes. I dont think supplements can change the healthcare benefits as they have already been defined in our new NMA.

Sounds good.

Just add language to my supplement that has UPS pay the difference this new plan is going to cost me at the Dr's, Dentist, Vision, meds, radiology, lab work, ER, hospital and so on. That would get a yes vote. Doesn't change the master either.

Cost of living here is very high.

I know some of you meat heads will chime in with "you choose to live where you do......" But I would argue that when I applied to UPS the benefits plan was part of the equation. Even with my current plan and wages, my cost of living is far more then most areas around the good old USA.

And yes, cost of living should be part of the equation that the union considers when negotiating contracts and supplements.


Livin the cardboard dream
Part timers need the $1 catch up raise and signing bonus
So let me get this straight...PTers, which I am, need...a signing bonus ($500 more than likely) and a dollar catchup to make up for healthcare? So...1200-1300 covers the bill? How many pters can afford to put that money away for healthcare? Little to none. You're selling yourself out with that kind of thinking. 90% will blow that signing bonus within the first 5 hours of receiving it. Why healthcare doesn't stay with the locals is beyond me. Have everyone on their local union plan with the drivers and bring everyone up since you'll have that many more people to negotiate with.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good.

Just add language to my supplement that has UPS pay the difference this new plan is going to cost me at the Dr's, Dentist, Vision, meds, radiology, lab work, ER, hospital and so on. That would get a yes vote. Doesn't change the master either.

Cost of living here is very high.

I know some of you meat heads will chime in with "you choose to live where you do......" But I would argue that when I applied to UPS the benefits plan was part of the equation. Even with my current plan and wages, my cost of living is far more then most areas around the good old USA.

And yes, cost of living should be part of the equation that the union considers when negotiating contracts and supplements.

Cost of living may be the reason you dont get that into your contract. The cost of living in your area may be making health insurance more expensive than other areas. We have language over here that requires UPS to cover the difference like you were describing, but that may be because healthcare is cheaper over here.


Well-Known Member
Cost of living may be the reason you dont get that into your contract. The cost of living in your area may be making health insurance more expensive than other areas. We have language over here that requires UPS to cover the difference like you were describing, but that may be because healthcare is cheaper over here.

We have that language too for a couple of points like dentist. However it does not cover all, such as deductibles.


health care - let the company give the money for healthcare to the part and full timers- $19000.00 . We can have opportunity to buy different plans from the union or company health plans and if you don't need it because your already covered under somebody else family plan - you keep the healthcare money.


Well-Known Member
For those of you who voted down your supplement, what specific language within your current supplement are you hoping to change. I looked over my supplement (western) and didnt really see any big supplemental issues. Im just wondering what language you all are hoping to change in your supplements.
I know it's a pipe dream, but 25 years and out at any age would be sweet!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
To quote the partners section." Adjust your attitude accordingly it's beyond your control. " to quote a ex driver"injured settled" This is UPS closest thing you will experience without being committed to a mental institution. Sometimes you just have to take up the @$$.