What the MSM won't report


Strength through joy
(Politico) — At Wednesday’s town hall in Atkinson, Ill., a local farmer who said he grows corn and soybeans expressed his concerns to President Obama about “more rules and regulations” — including those concerning dust, noise and water runoff — that he heard would negatively affect his business.
The president, on day three of his Midwest bus tour, replied: “If you hear something is happening, but it hasn’t happened, don’t always believe what you hear.”
When the room broke into soft laughter, the president added, “No — and I’m serious about that.”
Saying that “folks in Washington” like to get “all ginned up” about things that aren’t necessarily happening (“Look what’s comin’ down the pipe!”), Obama’s advice was simple: “Contact USDA.”. . .
Here’s a rundown of what happened when I started by calling USDA’s general hotline to inquire about information related to the effects of noise and dust pollution rules on Illinois farmers:
Wednesday, 2:40 p.m. ET: After calling the USDA’s main line, I am told to call the Illinois Department of Agriculture.
Here, I am patched through to a man who is identified as being in charge of “support services.” I leave a message.

3:53 p.m.: The man calls me back and recommends in a voicemail message that I call the Illinois Farm Bureau — a non-governmental organization.
4:02 p.m.: A woman at the Illinois Farm Bureau connects me to someone in the organization’s government affairs department. That person tells me they “don’t quite know who to refer you to.”


Strength through joy
(Politico 44) — The presidential motorcade on Martha’s Vineyard peeled out of Blue Heron Farms at 5:15 p.m. with the president and Valerie Jarrett in tow.
After 10 minutes, we made an abrupt left turn on John Cottle Road — an unpaved, deeply rutted eight-foot-wide private path hemmed in by ivy, scrub oak and big, scary boulders.
After bottoming out four times — we’re talking two-foot holes in a sand-and-gravel road, along with one hairpin turn — Obama and Jarrett arrived at West Tisbury home of their friends, Brian and Aileen Roberts, spokesman Josh Earnest informs us. It was 5:30 p.m.
Roberts is chairman and CEO of Comcast.


Strength through joy
In an example of how government at every level wastes tax dollars, one U.S. county is spending around $4 million in combined federal and local funds to house a dozen homeless people in an affluent community.
That translates into more than $330,000 per person, which means that Uncle Sam might as well buy them each their own, fully furnished house. After all, the median single-family home in the U.S. costs around $172,000 so the government could also throw in a few years worth of utility bills and even groceries.
Instead officials in Bethesda Maryland will spend the money to operate a three-story apartment building, operated by the Montgomery County Housing Opportunities Commission, that will house 12 homeless adults. The facility will have six studio and six one-bedroom apartments as well as a gym and computer center, according to the local newspaper (Washington Examiner) that exposed the costly project this week.
A chunk of the money—$1 million—will come from President Obama’s fraud-infested stimulus, which has proven to be a disastrous waste of public funds. Judicial Watch has reported on the many scandals involving the president’s $787 billion plan to jumpstart the economy and put Americans back to work. Much of the money has gone to companies that have cheated the government out of hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes and a series of wasteful projects.
Last summer a scathing U.S. Senate report revealed that tens of millions of stimulus dollars went to frivolous projects like international ant research, to study why monkeys react negatively to inequity and a “tunnel to nowhere” in Pennsylvania. The same probe discovered that recovery funds also bought state-of-the-art cell phones for low-income smokers trying to quit, fancy digital music players for high school students in one state and advertising to promote the stimulus.
What’s another million so homeless folks can live in an upscale neighborhood? Besides the stimulus cash, Montgomery County’s new homeless digs are being financed by an additional $944,829 in county housing funds and $2.1 million in state low-income housing tax credits.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
More of the MSM humping the Messiah's leg. Just look at David Gregory from NBC news pestering Prime Minister Netanyahu to say that Obama is as good as a friend in the White House as Bush was. Its sad that the Liberal media is so far up Obama's arse...great job NBC!!!! Its nice to see that Netanyahu was not having any of it.

Netanyahu Tells NBC's Gregory 'You're Trying to Throw Me Under the Bus of American Politics'

Transcript and video:

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-s...ing-throw-me-under-bus-american#ixzz1Z05FKHht



Well-Known Member
Western Propaganda in New Zealand and the U.S.

Posted by Michael S. Rozeff on October 23, 2011 05:29 AM
A reliable New Zealand source tells me "I watched the NZ tv news for the first time in ages and the propaganda spigot was fully opened. If the words 'hated', 'evil', 'despot', 'brutal' mentioned along with 'Gadaffi', were a drinking game, I would have been blind drunk."
The NZ tv news he watched came from the government-owned station. NZ media are highly concentrated. Media "reporting" like this is probably quite similar in Australia, Canada, Great Britain, and perhaps other NATO countries, although I have not studied this. How these common narratives of the empire propagate through the system is, I suspect, through a pervasive socialization, a common outlook and opinion that have been molded, selection of reporters, the promotion and reward systems, imitation and following of key reports, and money control. There is no official Ministry of Propaganda but the system replicates it.
Views that do not support the empire's story lines are given short shrift, scorned, treated as oddball, or otherwise ignored and deprecated by the media organs that support the empire. My main point here is that this propaganda system is international in scope.
As in Orwell's 1984, an enemy can become a friend and a friend can become an enemy overnight. People are fed contradictory story lines: A victory can be declared against Gaddafi, but in the next breath the people will be told that the West must soldier on because Libyan politics are unstable and intervention is required so that the place doesn't become a hellhole of fighting interests. There are no stable guidelines of justice or natural law in any of this propaganda machinery. Instead, we are being instructed that the empire makes its own law through its power. We are being indoctrinated into the view that there are always new evil forces to be identified and combated in never ending wars and struggles.
The reporting within this propaganda system comes across as "natural," commonplace, unruffled, acquiescent, and subservient. The empire's powers are taken for granted. Such can be seen, for example, in the local (Tennessee) news report that Lew put up here just recently. This report is done in a casual, unexcited, matter-of-fact way, and yet it is reporting of massive civil rights violations. It even uses the term "random searches." It encourages people to spy on one another and report "suspicious behavior." It acts as if terrorism were an everyday event that requires constant vigilance. In other words, the empire's constant war theme or narrative has gone domestic too.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
MSNBC and Obama -- The Left Isn’t Performing Well In the Ratings

It was a marriage made in whatever lefties call heaven – a brand new president, destined for media success, and an offshoot network trying to make its mark as a TV organization after years as an also-ran. In just less than three years, it has all-but collapsed.

Back in the beginning of 2009, the new president was at the height of his popularity. According to Gallup, Obama had a 67 percent approval rating and just 13 percent disapproval at the time of his inauguration. Of course, he hadn’t actually done anything yet.
The same time period was wildly generous to Team Obama’s pet TV network MSNBC. “During the three most lucrative and widely watched hours of TV, the cable news channel MSNBC outranked CNN for the first time ever in March,” wrote The New York Times in 2009 based on figures from Nielsen Media Research.
They were heady days. MSNBC had more than doubled its ratings during the beginning of 2008, when the Obama star was in ascendance. But its cast of characters was also a bit different. The Mouth That Roared, Keith Olbermann, was still sitting in an anchor chair during prime time, appeasing loony left audiences with his constant attacks on all things George W. Bush.

Read more: MSNBC And Obama -- The Left Isn’t Performing Well In The Ratings | Fox News


Strength through joy
[h=1]Another ATF weapons operation comes under scrutiny[/h]
[h=2]Members of Congress want to see whether White Gun, like Fast and Furious, lost track of firearms that ended up with Mexican criminals.[/h]


Well-Known Member
Is Obama quietly surging troops into the Middle East all the while selling the public on military scale down?

U.S. troops quietly surge into Middle East


golden ticket member
Nice try.

The actual tweet by PP was that being pro choice was sexy. It did not specifically state that abortion was sexy.
Your "nice try" is wasted because the blue headline wasn't written by me.....that's what printed out when I copied the link.Nice try Special Dave.


Well-Known Member
Your "nice try" is wasted because the blue headline wasn't written by me.....that's what printed out when I copied the link.Nice try Special Dave.

This is why you click on the link to verify that the contents of the article match what is advertised in the headlines. In this case, as is too often the case, the two did not match, and you once again look like a fool.

I so enjoy calling you out.


golden ticket member
This is why you click on the link to verify that the contents of the article match what is advertised in the headlines. In this case, as is too often the case, the two did not match, and you once again look like a fool.

I so enjoy calling you out.
What I copied from the link was http://www.lifenews2012/01/13planned and when I hit the print button it printed that blue line reading Planned Parenthood tells supporters abortion is sexy.

In case you havent noticed, all the links in Current events are this way now unless you post the whole story with the picture as I often do......BUT, every one of the posts in current event that have a "blue sentence" on which to click....had different stuff in the link.

Ask wkmac....his come out that way too. Even some of yours too and it's been that way for a couple months. Why do you single out mine. Ask Cheryl if you don't believe me.


golden ticket member
There is nothing to check I copy the story and the same story is in the link only the gateway phrase reads like a headline instead. Get it??


Well-Known Member
There is nothing to check I copy the story and the same story is in the link only the gateway phrase reads like a headline instead. Get it??

You are the one who doesn't get it. Yes, the links that you post are no longer in http format--they are in word format---but the basic concept is the same. You should always verify the information contained in the link prior to posting the link.

The headline did say that PP said that abortion was sexy; however, the content of the article stated that the tweet from PP said that being pro-choice was sexy. Being pro choice means that you feel that women should have the choice to have an abortion but does not necessarily say that you think abortion is the only choice.