Have you ever done a house break, yourself ?
You seem to know all about the fact when someone is not home.
I've wondered how he could afford all those trips when hes unemployed.
Have you ever done a house break, yourself ?
You seem to know all about the fact when someone is not home.
You know that people can live off $20 an hr , and still save money ?
Some of you earn $30/hr and live from 1 paycheck to another - that's the sad part !
You know, the entire internet knows you leave your house unlocked ???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, I DO NOT live that way. In Texas, USA if someone breaks into my home and I shoot them, I will most likely NOT be charged with anything. If I am licensed to carry and have to shoot someone to protect my life, I will not be charged. Sure there will be an investigation, as should be. to get facts surrounding the incident.
Scared? No, I'm not scared because I live in a place where I am allowed to protect myself, my family and my property without fear of prosecution.
There may be a higher chance to be shot by someone on the street than at home partly because here most criminals never no who will have the means, know how and the will to blow them away behind that closed door. They also do not know who has the same in a public setting as well.
Bottom line, I would not want to live where I could not defend myself, family and property from criminals without fear of being prosecuted.
I've wondered how he could afford all those trips when hes unemployed.
You say guns are safe, but , yet, dismiss that 1 in 10.000 people (give or take) dies from gun shots in the USA.
Gee, 1 out of 2 homes are here probably unlocked, come to Canada you US criminals !
Being a former driver with UPS, there were doors, I had to actually shut, because the wind blew them open, or the homeowner didn't shut it properly !
I lock my doors home or not !!! It's just stupid not to lock your doors. You are asking for trouble. Like parking your car and leaving the keys in the ignition....just plain stupid!
MoveOn.org upset with Obama, launches campaign to drive liberal agenda on its own[/h]
Left-wing MoveOn.org isn’t happy with President Barack Obama. In a fundraising e-mail sent to supporters on Monday, the group hinted that Obama has abandoned it in political fights in Washington and across the country.
“It’s pretty clear by now that we can’t wait for Barack Obama, or the Democrats, to save us,” MoveOn.org said in the e-mail to supporters. “But the one thing that might turn things around is an honest-to-God mass movement—something on the scale of the civil rights movement or the antiwar movement—built around a vision of an economy that works for all of us, not just the top 2%.”