I had two half days of training. My on road lived on the route so I would meet him at a stop I would hit around 2pm then I would drop him off and he’d go home early. He had no idea where any delivery points were or how to navigate the route. It was 50/50 commercial and residential. It was a difficult route. They had me sit for three weeks. Then on the first day of peak they threw me back out on it. The entire dispatch changed, I found out the sup had us going out 40 stops lighter so he could go home early, but since it was peak it was an extra 100 stops. I drowned, brought back 20. Then the next day brought back 40 and the next day brought back 80. That night they sent 6 guys to clean me up. I remember seeing them all sitting in a parking lot waiting for me, I felt terrible. Kicked myself in the rear and doubled down the next day and finished at a good time. Everything clicked after that. Sorted the car out, remembered where everything was etc. Tried making it up to the guys by calling them at the end of each day to see if they needed help. They seemed to appreciate it.