We better be getting a pay bump. I've been here 2 years and make 11.50 an hour right now (8.50 + sort 1.00 + 3 month 1.00 + .50 per year). These new part timers would start at 10 and make 12 within 3 months going the route I did. That is unacceptable, and I'll be raising holy hell if its true. And too all you full timers that talk crap about "get a second job, get an education", I have a damn second job and work 50-60 hours a week at both and still have trouble making ends meet, I have a 4 year Bachelor's in Business, I served 6 years in the damn Marine Corps. I've applied for "higher paying" (really not) jobs in my field for years and haven't been able to land one. I am willing (and actually want) to make UPS a career, I actually like my job, but this would be a low blow.
Weinsteincj, you will only get 50 cents in May if you're making 9.50, for the first 3 years its .50 a year. Yes (if this is true and they are not giving current employees a "catch up" raise) we will be falling behind new hire's in pay almost immediately. Vote NO please, unless we find out otherwise.
The 4 year thing is annoying as well, and most of you current full timers can't relate to the part timers on this issue anymore because ya'll picked up full time so much earlier then we will get ours. I frequently see "I did my time I waited 6 years in part time til I got full time, now you do yours!". Try waiting 12 years or more, which is currently our situation and then getting thrown a curve ball of another 4 years progression.