First, let me say good job to all of you drivers out there. I had no idea why you guys were paid so highly until I suffered through the sweaty crotch and scorching heat of this last summer. I worked my ass off, and gave Brown all I could.
I don't feel that $14.86 is enough to justify the kind of abuse I was put through during my stay. Forget 9.5. How about not getting a single day during the summer done in under 11? Except when they sent me home for a couple days the week of July 4th, when they just piled my packages into 4 other cars and called it a light day (yeah right, no missed NDA that week...).
I now have an opportunity to go back and do the seasonal position again. What I'd like to know is where the pay scale goes on the off chance that I'm hired after a second successful seasonal stay. Does it stay the same? I've heard stories of people that started as seasonal and, due to the company's circumstances and needs at the time, were then hired on and put straight into the big bucks.
I realize that people like me even asking this may be a kick in the teeth to any driver awaiting a seniority position, but I don't mean in any way to trample on anyone else here. Any advice you offer is greatly appreciated.
I don't feel that $14.86 is enough to justify the kind of abuse I was put through during my stay. Forget 9.5. How about not getting a single day during the summer done in under 11? Except when they sent me home for a couple days the week of July 4th, when they just piled my packages into 4 other cars and called it a light day (yeah right, no missed NDA that week...).
I now have an opportunity to go back and do the seasonal position again. What I'd like to know is where the pay scale goes on the off chance that I'm hired after a second successful seasonal stay. Does it stay the same? I've heard stories of people that started as seasonal and, due to the company's circumstances and needs at the time, were then hired on and put straight into the big bucks.
I realize that people like me even asking this may be a kick in the teeth to any driver awaiting a seniority position, but I don't mean in any way to trample on anyone else here. Any advice you offer is greatly appreciated.