When did corp. lose touch?


Well-Known Member
Yep, keep hearing that have yet to see the gangs. Even in a huge hub like Burtonsville which is notorious for having problems keeping people. Dare I address this issue with out sounding like a racist and without implying you are a racist. The fact is twenty years ago when we had our pick of the labor pool we hired white male corn fed farm boys. Once we no longer had access to them we then had to take the time to learn about the other colors walking around out there. So now I work with the black and hispanic corn fed farm boys who also do a terrific job. That is one benifit of the lower wage scale that is often not discussed. When we are forced to hire from the inner urban areas we are also "forced" to learn a little about the different ethnicities and we are forced to learn to diversify and give everyone a chance to have a good UPS job. I do agree though that the starting wage scale needs to go up so we can remain competitive.

Talk to folks from CACH. As for in our local area, oh yeah, they're here. One local hub is using off duty "armed" police officers as extra security. About 12 years ago I use to work the twi/mid sorts at that hub and we had this clown walking around with one shoe untied and the other pant leg rolled up just below his knee. I thought he was just the hub nit-wit (sure looked like one) but during peak we had an armed police officer working security. He and I were standing by the overhead walkway to the console when this clown walked by and I started laughing. The officer asked and I explained the humor to which he then explained the gang symbolism behind his appearance and then he assured me this cat was in that gang. He then went on to explain some of the graffitti that had started to appear in out restrooms especially in the basement by the breakroom and it's meaning of gangs marking their turf. Head coverings such as dew rags and caps are also used as gang symbols and the officer easily pointed out a number of them without me having to move one step from my location. This was over 12 yeas ago.

My neighbor who is a homicide detective in one of our large metro jurisdictions is also very keen on gang activity and even in the building in which I work 10 minutes from the UPS Corp office I've seen many gang type symbolism and in all likelyhood, gang members. I was totally oblivious to all this stuff and like me you could just not know what you're looking at. Gangs aren't racial distinctive either so discussing them isn't an issue of race. Gangs cross all racial lines and don't be lead into thinking otherwise. Before you make the assumption that your little world and all things associated with it are perfect, you'd sure better learn from the experts. Talk with your security folks and see what they have to say. I talk with ours a lot and when it comes to this kind of stuff, you damn right I'm an extra set of eyes!


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
We have about forty local gangs just in the county my Hub is in, and theft of C-phones and jewelry seems to be a big problem where I work. Wednesday morning about 6AM, I was hunting a empty P5 in the Lot to drive to run my EAMs, and found an empty notebook PC box in back of it. They are certainly where I work at.:mad:


Active Member
Talk to folks from CACH. As for in our local area, oh yeah, they're here. One local hub is using off duty "armed" police officers as extra security.

Ah the lovely CACH...so I guess you heard of the problem they had with "bunning"...if you dont know trust me don't ask, you don't want to!!!!


New Member
Should Corp then buy back a majority of the traded shares?
How would Wall Street react?
Have we already sold our souls to the investors and cannot straighten this mess?