When does OBAMA get it that people just dont LIKE HIS POLICIES???


Well-Known Member
All of which are his fault, right? Inflation is low overall, the energy price spike has more to do with Middle East tensions than Obama's policies, and unemployment has been significantly reduced. Good try.

Actually that is not true which is why you would probably why you would want to use the CPI to try and make your point instead of the overall inflation rate. If you excluded housing prices, oh boy, you'd really have issues.


Strength through joy
Navy Forcing Out Thousands of Sailors

3,000 sailors who will lose their jobs in the coming months as part of an unprecedented and drastic effort to thin the Navy's ranks in overcrowded job fields.
It marks the first time the service will lay off thousands of sailors who are in the middle of enlistment contracts.
In the months since the move was announced, it has become widely unpopular and controversial.
Navy officials contend they had no other choice.
Faced with record-high retention because of the economy, the service's usual mechanisms for keeping the ranks in balance have not done enough.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Did I ever say that? No. Overall, unemployment is going down, which has "nothing" to do with Obama. The Dow, which was in the toilet thanks to Bush, has rebounded significantly, which also has "nothing" to do with Obama. Compared to the Bush years, we're heading in the right direction. Too bad he's the wrong color and thew wrong party.

Poor President Bush, he will be the problem until the next Republican is President. It won't matter how many years go by. (As for President Bush) ...It is "too bad he's the wrong color" and of the "wrong party." It is funny how the two zealots who post on BC can't keep their own racist feelings out of their posts.

Looking at the numbers, hard to believe companies "don't like his policies".

We may differ in our views and I might add, not all the time do we disagree, BUT I believe you are one of the folks who belong to the approx. 80% of Americans who I label as reasonable and more respectful. I appreciate your overall tone in the discussion of your liberal point of view. We need reasonable people who can compromise and lead America out of the problems we have.

The Dow can do well even in spite of a bad president. It's business!

I ask the question... If the present administration was business friendly, HOW HIGH would the DOW really be? 14,000? 15,000??? We really don't know. Business is trying (as we are) to survive IN SPITE of this administration.

In full disclosure - I have no respect for BO...none. If he were honest to the American people that would be one thing... I might not like his policy but I could respect him for being honest and a man of integrity. He is a great campaigner and tells the country what we want to hear, but he does not walk the talk.

He is the President of ALL of America - Not just his liberal base and the . He was elected to lead and pull America together - he has not. We are further apart as a nation than we have ever been since the civil war. Just read the posts of the zealots who drink the Kool aid and read the tone of their posts.

Now I understand the phrase "Hope & Change". I Hope with all my being there is a change come next November!


Well-Known Member
Looking at the numbers, hard to believe companies "don't like his policies".


Brilliant post. It is common knowledge that the Business community love the facts that they cannot make long term Business plans because of nothing getting done except rhetoric from Obama on Taxes, Love the added expense and everyday learning more about Obamacare, absolutely enjoy the tons of regulations that you have to spend very valuable time and money just to figure out what they mean.

Yeah tell me about the Republicans blocking --for the first two years ANY tax policy Obama wanted he could have put in place --instead we just got rhetoric and no budget only more debt. I am sure business love Obama --then again G.E. loves Obama --they pay NO taxes. Also the cronies and contributors and bundlers that know nothing about running a business are given MILLIONS of our dollars --to take the money -spend it on their salaries and homes and cars --then claim Bankruptcy --can any one say solar companies and Solyndra ??

But then again there are millions of people just like you that believe Obama has done and is doing a great job --go figure. I wonder how many packages you personally have to hump to pay for all the money wasted by Obama. It is very clear --it is just money laundering. Get money --get elected --use taxpayor money as payoffs --get campaign money -get elected again !!


Für Meno :)
Yup, McCain would have been better.
He'ld still be in Iraq and now attacking Syria and Iran, too.

Mind you, maybe the Chinese would have cut off the funds by now ?


Staff member

Brilliant post. It is common knowledge that the Business community love the facts that they cannot make long term Business plans because of nothing getting done except rhetoric from Obama on Taxes, Love the added expense and everyday learning more about Obamacare, absolutely enjoy the tons of regulations that you have to spend very valuable time and money just to figure out what they mean.

Yeah tell me about the Republicans blocking --for the first two years ANY tax policy Obama wanted he could have put in place --instead we just got rhetoric and no budget only more debt. I am sure business love Obama --then again G.E. loves Obama --they pay NO taxes. Also the cronies and contributors and bundlers that know nothing about running a business are given MILLIONS of our dollars --to take the money -spend it on their salaries and homes and cars --then claim Bankruptcy --can any one say solar companies and Solyndra ??

But then again there are millions of people just like you that believe Obama has done and is doing a great job --go figure. I wonder how many packages you personally have to hump to pay for all the money wasted by Obama. It is very clear --it is just money laundering. Get money --get elected --use taxpayor money as payoffs --get campaign money -get elected again !!
Wait for it. Watch where the money goes in May. Don't kid yourself. Gonna be ALOT of corporate money coming into the reelection campaign.