When will we have a Tentative Agreement to vote on?


Well-Known Member
When they finally finish negotiating our paycuts, pension concessions, and gutting our healthcare, they will present the agreement to us and urge us to vote yes on this landmark victory of a contract.
They are going to move on healthcare. It'll be a small move. A very small move. Once you accept that, they will start to split it, like a giant walnut! If not this contract, the next one for sure. I think it'll be this one. Small/tiny contribution, or cuts to the healthcare plan. Small one, to begin with.

Ancient Alien

UPS Vacation
In a sick kind of way I'd like to see a strike, like 1997. It would really be interesting to see what the membership is made of. I know we could potentially never get the volume back, but after hearing so many people think we need one it would be interesting.
Not this message, the one from 09/07/2018