Where do you poop during work hours?


Victory Ride
Couple days a week, ill go to a "friends" house on the next route over..."can i get terminated for this?"
Had a driver years ago ...asked a women if he could use the :censored2:ter at her home .... husband came home and called in a complaint ...I couldn’t make this up


Used to be a guy that would :censored2: in the locker room every morning when we had to change pants when we got to work

Stink the whole damn locker room up

So, me and one of my buddies took an old pair of boots and some browns and draped them over the toilet like somebody was on the throne
Locked the door then climbed over the top

Guy shows up right on time starts dancing around then yelling “I gotta go bad”

Ends up :censored2:ting in the women’s bathroom

He never lived that down