Do UPS members participate in the same fashion ?
I'll never forget when we were campaigning for the Delegates Election last spring and how clear the difference was between freight employees and the rest, especially UPSer's.
Fred Z and Avral T agreed to spend a day on the trail with us, starting bright and early at 5:30am at Zenith Logistics, a grocery warehouse.
It was pitch dark and the employees were polite and took our literature, but most didn't seem aware of why we were there and that there was even going to be a General Election.
This left me with the feeling that it was time well spent.
Next, we went to the largest UPS hub in our local.
We got there 7:45, in hopes of catching feeder drivers and preloaders as they left, and package car drivers as they arrived.
I couldn't of been more embarrassed.
It was very difficult to get half of the part timers to even pause long enough to pass them a hand bill, which didn't surprise me.
Very few feeder drivers exited, but those who did were easy to engage for the most part.
It was the package car drivers that really made me take pause.
These guys were arriving as much as an hour or more before their start time, but couldn't be persuaded to take a handbill in many instances, let alone take a minute to shake the hand and ask questions of candidates for International office to educate themselves for a future vote, as well as meet men who could very well shape their future.
I have never been more embarrassed of my coworkers.
From there, we visited 3 freight barns where these candidates were literally treated like rock stars.
Nobody pushed past us, instead lining up to shake their hands and ask them questions.
At Holland they had already begun their shift, so the steward went in and convinced the supervisor to allow the guys to take their break, 5 at a time, and come out to the gate to meet these candidates.
Not one dock worker by witness of this steward declined.
On that day, I confirmed what I already knew.
The most solid and committed Teamsters are by far working in the dying union freight industry.
Breaks my heart to see what they are going through and how they are being discarded by enlarge by our Country who first allowed it through decertification, and our Union that continues to throw their hands in the air claiming there is nothing that can be done.
Freight built this union and what they have been reduced to is a damn shame.