White House Attack On Fox News


Für Meno :)
I'm with Tie on that one, neither would I. I'm afraid something would rub off that clorox couldn't kill!

You know mac, I really enjoy your opinions, and I do read most of what you post and your links.

But, in all fairness :
It seems socialist countries are winning the game.
All of Scandinavia , (Norway, Sweden, Finnland), have no debt, and actually borrow to other countries.
So does China.

So, what are we doing wrong here ?

I even need to figure that out for myself.
But making the rich , richer, the poor , poorer, doesn't seem to work well.



Of all the idiotic posts you've managed to put on this board, this one ranks number one.

To even suggest that President Obama despises the United States of America is ludicrous and insulting to patriotic Americans.

This is a bit overboard, even for you.

Is it. I have a president that does not embrace patriotism and goes around apologizing for past sins.

I have a president that based on past speechs documented on utube seems to be prouder of his islamic heritage then he is of his american heritage.

I have a president that sat in Reverend Wrights pews for twenty years listening to him badmouthing america and never once objected until it was politically expedient to do so.

I would like to be wrong in this area but I have a sickening feeling that I am not.:sick:


Don't worry, he is back on his planet Obvillion.:funny:
I think the translation gets somewhat lost thru from that far away.

I'm looking for an attack on Canada here but I don't see one. Did you break your promise again?

You know Klein first I find you quite often post misinformatin here.

Then we find out that you have been overembellishing your work history.

And now this.

where will your dishonesty end?



After reading this above, I didn't have to look at your personal info under your avatar to know that you were a new member! :happy-very: I've no doubt in the days ahead Tie will outdo himself in your eyes again and again so just ignore it like the rest of us do. Ron White said it best.



BTW: Welcome to BC

Most ignored poster definitely your title though Klein may be making a run at it.


Well-Known Member
You know mac, I really enjoy your opinions, and I do read most of what you post and your links.

But, in all fairness :
It seems socialist countries are winning the game.
All of Scandinavia , (Norway, Sweden, Finnland), have no debt, and actually borrow to other countries.
So does China.

So, what are we doing wrong here ?

I even need to figure that out for myself.
But making the rich , richer, the poor , poorer, doesn't seem to work well.

The first step is asking the question. Also, winning the game doesn't mean it's right, don't make it wrong but doesn't mean it's right. Did America once not have debt? Have a strong monetary medium of exchange? Better system of education? Less violence?

But you asked what are we doing wrong here. Why since the early 1800's has 2 things happened.

1) The state has grown bigger and bigger and bigger at an ever faster rate


2) Wealth has grown but concentrated into ever small hands at a faster rate while the larger population has grown poorer and a diminshed standard of living and land wealth holding among the common people.

And #1 and #2 are not unrelated to each other at all!

Go back to the early 1800's and come forward looking at the actions of gov't and it's growth, who benefitted from those gov't actions and what happened to the wealth in the process. There's your start and don't think you'll answer in a few days, few weeks or even months but at some point if you are honest and use moral and ethical beliefs as a guide, the gears will click and a picture will emerge. Then it's up to you about going from there.