White House Attack On Fox News


I know.....being hooked on Fox, it might not be that funny to you:biting:
But life is to short, if you can't laugh at yourself,

The problem here may be that you never speak of laughing at yourself for watching the idiots on msnbc. Could you share that laugh with us?


Well-Known Member
The problem here may be that you never speak of laughing at yourself for watching the idiots on msnbc. Could you share that laugh with us?

Problem with what you state is true ! With my schedule, it only permits me to watch Conservative ego maniac Morning Joe on MSNBC, not the primetime line up.....lol

That was funny! The real shocker for me was Ollie North. OMG that guy has gotten old! I didn't even recognize him til he spoke.

Fox News lineup reminds me of Al Davis and the Oakland Raiders, they scoop up all the bad boys from yesteryear's pass and provide them some breast milk and a roster spot. Problem is, although, they have good attendance, but are wanna be NE Patriots.....Recent pick ups, MSNBC's bow tie wearing, lucky sperm club Swanson's great grandson Conservative Tucker Carlson, and new recruit powerhouse Ilegal Alien hater Lou Dobbs....:congrats:Fox, but your team will always suck.....:wink2:


Für Meno :)
BBC news is the best

Good for you, and I agree to a certain point.
I watch BBC atleast once per week (more often now), but it's probably the best news to stay worldwide informed.

Ofcourse, for domestic news, it's not much applicable.


Problem with what you state is true ! With my schedule, it only permits me to watch Conservative ego maniac Morning Joe on MSNBC, not the primetime line up.....lol

Are you somehow watching Joe and blocking out all the liberals he has with him?

Fox News lineup reminds me of Al Davis and the Oakland Raiders, they scoop up all the bad boys from yesteryear's pass and provide them some breast milk and a roster spot. Problem is, although, they have good attendance, but are wanna be NE Patriots.....Recent pick ups, MSNBC's bow tie wearing, lucky sperm club Swanson's great grandson Conservative Tucker Carlson, and new recruit powerhouse Ilegal Alien hater Lou Dobbs....:congrats:Fox, but your team will always suck.....:wink2:

and somehow they do all this and clean up on the ratings.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, add me in the BBC crowd as well along with several other international (non-US) news media outlets. Unlike our domestic MSM (Mainstreet Media) who is connected at the hip to gov't, international news sources have no or at least less vested interests to towing the gov't propaganda line so more open to question and probe for the truth.



Well-Known Member
BBC news is the best

You and Jones must hate America ! :wink2:

and somehow they do all this and clean up on the ratings.

"Fox News lineup reminds me of Al Davis and the Oakland Raiders, they scoop up all the bad boys from yesteryear's pass and provide them some breast milk and a roster spot. Problem is, although, they have good attendance, but are wanna be NE Patriots.....

Tie, wake up, wash out the eye crud build up, and Q-tip the ears...read the bold print above.:blink:


Well-Known Member
Fox News lineup reminds me of Al Davis and the Oakland Raiders, they scoop up all the bad boys from yesteryear's pass and provide them some breast milk and a roster spot. Problem is, although, they have good attendance, but are wanna be NE Patriots.....Recent pick ups, MSNBC's bow tie wearing, lucky sperm club Swanson's great grandson Conservative Tucker Carlson, and new recruit powerhouse Ilegal Alien hater Lou Dobbs....:congrats:Fox, but your team will always suck.....:wink2:

Until this moment, I had no idea that Fox News was "MY TEAM" so I guess I need to rethink watching TV or someone else will then accuse me of being a terrible fan!

Besides who am I to disprove someone else's ignoran...beliefs!


Does this also mean I'm prohibited from going to Counterpunch, Truthdig, watching Amy Goodman and Democracy Now or reading Glenn Greenwald?

This "team stuff" is really starting to suck!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I know I like reminding all your fox haters that they are kicking your msnbc wannabe's squarely in the rear.


the republicans have been hell bent on trying to "assign" a cable news channel to democrats for years. The problem is, democrats dont have, dont need and dont feel compelled to follow ANY marching orders of a cable news channel.

Unlike you republicans, who desperately need to be told what to say, what to do and what to think 24 hours a day week in and week out.

On this board, there has never been ONE democrat who "cited" his cable news channel for political ideology.

On the other hand, most of the moderators in current event, yourself and a few neo-wierdos constantly cite FAUX as your sole source of information.

Anytime a cable news channel assembles tea parties, protests and shoutdowns, they have gone way beyond the idea of FAIR and BALANCED.

When a cable news channel spends 24 hours a day addressing political "bills" in congress, then they are no longer a news channel.

The democrats of this country dont have a channel we call our "own". We dont drape ourselves in the flag or dress up like Thomas Jefferson to appear to be patriotic.

"WE" stay informed on the issues and form our own opinions.

We dont need to march to the drumbeat of preconcieved thoughts like the followers of FAUX news.

Yes, FAUX has about 3.5 million people viewing them during the day, but its NOT because they are the most fair and balanced. Its because they are brainwashing their audience to sit and watch show after show as they repeat the same information hour after hour.

Brett and over9five say they missed a few episodes, well, let me catch you up on some of them.


You can missed a week straight and begin watching the following monday, and it will be the same show as the monday before. Same as RUSH LIMPBAUGH does.

He repeats the same information day after day, week after week, same old stories, same old liberal this, liberal that as if his listeners are too stupid to allow them to forget anything.

There is nothing new on conservative radio or faux news.

All the rating show, is that there are 3.5 million people dumb enough to waste their lives listening to the sky is falling to make them feel better.

Democrats dont tune into Oberman or Maddow as religiously as republicans tune into beck, hannity and oreilly.

You see, were not that dumb. Just tell us once and we are good.

No need to repeat anything to me.

Those who feel compelled to watch FAUX religiously dont recognize that they have been brainwashed to NEED FAUX news to feel good about themselves.

Get a life folks, turn off the set.




the republicans have been hell bent on trying to "assign" a cable news channel to democrats for years. The problem is, democrats dont have, dont need and dont feel compelled to follow ANY marching orders of a cable news channel.

Thats cause the media is controlled by the liberals. You can't deny msnbc is hugely biased though. What ya think maybe will start calling the liberal press the Phag news? You liking labels should appreciate that?

Unlike you republicans, who desperately need to be told what to say, what to do and what to think 24 hours a day week in and week out.

I actually miss out on all that brainwashing which is why I appreciate you watching fox relaying the information. If not for you I would not know what fox is saying.

On this board, there has never been ONE democrat who "cited" his cable news channel for political ideology.

Then what you're saying is the liberals here are guilty of plagerizing that source and not listing it as the source. Shame.

On the other hand, most of the moderators in current event, yourself and a few neo-wierdos constantly cite FAUX as your sole source of information.

Could you post one quote from me where I listed Faux as my sole source?
Just one?

I'll stop here so you with your limited attention span don't miss my request.

Please do a multi quote and list where conservative posters here listed Faux as their sole source of news.

Put up or shut up time there my Phag news listening friend.


Well-Known Member
Are you somehow watching Joe and blocking out all the liberals he has with him?

and somehow they do all this and clean up on the ratings.

Thats cause the media is controlled by the liberals. You can't deny msnbc is hugely biased though. What ya think maybe will start calling the liberal press the Phag news? You liking labels should appreciate that?

Tie, MSNBC schedule: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3096434/

Morning Joe = 3hrs of morning programming 600am-9:00am
Morning Meeting with Dylan Radigan= 2hrs 9:00 am-1100pm
Dr Nancy= 1hr 12:00 pm- 1:00pm
Andrea Mitchell reports=1hr 1:00pm-2:00pm
These are not your flaming liberals delivering 7hrs of opinions, news, politics and debate all morning and afternoon.

Hardball= 1hr 5:00-6:00pm
Ed Show= 1hr 6:00-7:00pm
Oberman =1hr 8:00-9:00pm
Maddow = 1hr 9:00-10:00pm
These are your primetime flaming liberals delivering 4 hrs of opinions, news, politics, debate.

Your arguement holds no water....Care to give me the Fox schedule ?
I believe the only liberal "whipping boy" was Alan Combs, and he's gone to mainly Radio. Geraldo, who knows what he represents, except needing a paycheck...

Tie says:

"Put up or shut up time there my Phag news listening friend."

Better to have "phag news" than "Phag Senators" who plagerized their own kind, :surprised:...lol

[Wkmac;634512]Until this moment, I had no idea that Fox News was "MY TEAM" :wink2:[/QUOTE]

Let the record show..... We know Fox is not your team....:peaceful:


Well-Known Member
Tie, MSNBC schedule: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3096434/

Morning Joe = 3hrs of morning programming 600am-9:00am
Morning Meeting with Dylan Radigan= 2hrs 9:00 am-1100pm
Dr Nancy= 1hr 12:00 pm- 1:00pm
Andrea Mitchell reports=1hr 1:00pm-2:00pm
These are not your flaming liberals delivering 7hrs of opinions, news, politics and debate all morning and afternoon.

Hardball= 1hr 5:00-6:00pm
Ed Show= 1hr 6:00-7:00pm
Oberman =1hr 8:00-9:00pm
Maddow = 1hr 9:00-10:00pm
These are your primetime flaming liberals delivering 4 hrs of opinions, news, politics, debate.

Your arguement holds no water....Care to give me the Fox schedule ?
I believe the only liberal "whipping boy" was Alan Combs, and he's gone to mainly Radio. Geraldo, who knows what he represents, except needing a paycheck...

Tie says:

"Put up or shut up time there my Phag news listening friend."

Better to have "phag news" than "Phag Senators" who plagerized their own kind, :surprised:...lol

[Wkmac;634512]Until this moment, I had no idea that Fox News was "MY TEAM" :wink2:

Let the record show..... We know Fox is not your team....:peaceful:[/QUOTE]

I believe that you expose what is the true problem.
Wacky right --Hannity, limbaugh etc---or wacky left Matthews,Maddow etc-----I have no problem when the enimies are wearing uniforms:happy-very:
But the BIG problem I have are the Katie Courics,Dan Rathers,Andrea Mitchell--Who you would claim does not give a LIBERAL slant to everything they report on. ABC---CBS---NBC--- Please do not claim they are neutral or FAIR and BALANCED.
You truly believe that Andrea Mitchell is not a liberal ????


[Wkmac;634512]Until this moment, I had no idea that Fox News was "MY TEAM" :wink2:

Let the record show..... We know Fox is not your team....:peaceful:[/QUOTE]

Tsk , tsk did you just beg Wkmac to come in to this discussion and help you. I thought you were stronger then that.:happy-very: