Who else can’t wait for revolution/civil war ?


Well-Known Member
How do you morons think this country got started? Overthrowing the tyrannical British government. What’s so strange about the idea ? It’s not exactly ancient history. Only difference is now our problem is in Washington not London


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
The other issue is how do we fight civil war when there really are no blue states there’s only blue cities. Either a lot of people are gonna have to move or we’re gonna be fighting within states everywhere
It happened in the border states during the civil war. Vicious fighting.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
How do you morons think this country got started? Overthrowing a tyrannical government. What’s so strange about the idea ? It’s not exactly ancient history

Wasn't that more of a fight against an unelected king and his foreign army/attached Loyalist units than the kind of civil war that some in the "stolen election" crowd are itching for?


Well-Known Member
Wasn't that more of a fight against an unelected king and his foreign army/attached Loyalist units than the kind of civil war that some in the "stolen election" crowd are itching for?
Biden wasn’t elected. 81 million people didn’t vote for that perverted half dead senile old man that’s just absurd. But it doesn’t even matter who’s selected. The entrenched bureaucracy is what has to go. The president is just a puppet it’s been that way for over 30 years at least


Well-Known Member
Nvm the potatus…Congress doesn’t even pretend to make laws anymore. I have no idea what their purpose is other than to conduct Soviet style kabuki theatre show trials. Almost every one of them needs to be dragged down the street


Well-Known Member
So those salivating over another civil war, what would we call them?
Our troops, law enforcement, politicians all take an oath to preserve and protect the Constitution. Anyone looking to take down the government that's abiding by the Constitution is an insurrectionist who should be handled accordingly. Now let me ask you, if an administration is allowing in millions through the southern border illegally should they be held to account? Should they be rebelled against? They aren't upholding the Constitution. At the rate it's going Biden and company may let in more than 10 million people by the end of his term. Not vetted, criminals are getting in too. Are you ok with this?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Nvm the potatus…Congress doesn’t even pretend to make laws anymore. I have no idea what their purpose is other than to conduct Soviet style kabuki theatre show trials. Almost every one of them needs to be dragged down the street
They don’t want accountability for voting on anything controversial.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Our troops, law enforcement, politicians all take an oath to preserve and protect the Constitution. Anyone looking to take down the government that's abiding by the Constitution is an insurrectionist who should be handled accordingly. Now let me ask you, if an administration is allowing in millions through the southern border illegally should they be held to account? Should they be rebelled against? They aren't upholding the Constitution. At the rate it's going Biden and company may let in more than 10 million people by the end of his term. Not vetted, criminals are getting in too. Are you ok with this?
I’ll wait


Well-Known Member
Let me put it this way.

We’ve got Trumpees in this thread who are clearly itching for armed conflict with fellow Americans.

We’ve got Trumpee elected officials calling for the breakup of the country in another thread.

January 6, 2.0 is certainly a possibility if Trump loses again next year.
And we have Democrats who think they should be allowed to force pretty much anything on the entire population and accuse anyone not willing to go along as racists, insurrectionists, etc.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
How do you morons think this country got started? Overthrowing the tyrannical British government. What’s so strange about the idea ? It’s not exactly ancient history. Only difference is now our problem is in Washington not London
Wasn't that more of a fight against an unelected king and his foreign army/attached Loyalist units than the kind of civil war that some in the "stolen election" crowd are itching for?
Biden wasn’t elected. 81 million people didn’t vote for that perverted half dead senile old man that’s just absurd.
I don’t know what’s dumber: thinking 81 million people voted for joe legitimately or thinking he’s the one deciding anything whatsoever

Your argument for a second American civil war depends entirely on maintaining the idea that Biden didn't win the 2020 election. Doesn't sound like a very strong one to me.


Well-Known Member
Your argument for a second American civil war depends entirely on maintaining the idea that Biden didn't win the 2020 election. Doesn't sound like a very strong one to me.
That’s the final straw but this stuff has been building for decades. Like I said the president has no power. It’s something to distract the idiots. The unelected bureaucrats and special interest groups which nobody votes for controls everything. In fact many of them don’t even live in this country


Well-Known Member
That’s the final straw but this stuff has been building for decades. Like I said the president has no power. It’s something to distract the idiots. The unelected bureaucrats and special interest groups which nobody votes for controls everything. In fact many of them don’t even live in this country
And you believe you can overthrow all of that and put in a government that's not corrupt and runs like a well oiled machine. Good luck with that.


Well-Known Member
And you believe you can overthrow all of that and put in a government that's not corrupt and runs like a well oiled machine. Good luck with that.
It’s like Cersei says in game of thrones. We either fight and die or we submit and die I know my choice. In 1776 nobody thought we could beat the British. Asymmetric warfare can be very effective. It could be worse we could have no second amendment like Canada or Australia they’re totally screwed but even enough of those people standing together could make a difference


Staff member
Our troops, law enforcement, politicians all take an oath to preserve and protect the Constitution. Anyone looking to take down the government that's abiding by the Constitution is an insurrectionist who should be handled accordingly. Now let me ask you, if an administration is allowing in millions through the southern border illegally should they be held to account? Should they be rebelled against? They aren't upholding the Constitution. At the rate it's going Biden and company may let in more than 10 million people by the end of his term. Not vetted, criminals are getting in too. Are you ok with this?
Immigration, in every form, legal and illegal is strictly the preview and responsibility of the federal government. Full stop. Failure or perceived failure to “uphold the Constitution” is a terribly weak and ultimately lame justification for armed rebellion.

However, should that situation boil the Patriot blood in your veins, spare me the cries of “tyranny” when the government decides to Waco your rear end. You simply can’t begin a rebellion and then cry when you get wiped out for it.


Well-Known Member
It’s like Cersei says in game of thrones. We either fight and die or we submit and die I know my choice. In 1776 nobody thought we could beat the British. Asymmetric warfare can be very effective. It could be worse we could have no second amendment like Canada or Australia they’re totally screwed
What does that have to do with actually governing? The Taliban wanted their unique vision of governing in charge of Afghanistan. Now that they have it they're finding governing isn't as easy as they thought it would be. Anyone can shoot up a place, but tell us how you're going to do better running the richest, most powerful country on Earth? You'd have us broken up into bits that would be vulnerable to the Chinas of the world. If the Democrats succeed in getting absolute control of the government with Republicans and others left out of the political process then you'll have your civil war. Until then we have to recognize that not everyone sees things the way we do. If the majority in California want to do things we cringe at in Florida that's their business. Just don't try to make it our business if the majority in Florida or Texas or Iowa don't want it.


Well-Known Member
Immigration, in every form, legal and illegal is strictly the preview and responsibility of the federal government. Full stop. Failure or perceived failure to “uphold the Constitution” is a terribly weak and ultimately lame justification for armed rebellion.

However, should that situation boil the Patriot blood in your veins, spare me the cries of “tyranny” when the government decides to Waco your rear end. You simply can’t begin a rebellion and then cry when you get wiped out for it.
If they're in violation of the Constitution they aren't governing legitimately. If you support whatever they do because it's your party then you don't really support the Constitution. The vast majority of American citizens along the border are Hispanic and they're crying out for relief. But the liberals pushing this invasion don't care. Or at least didn't until those states most affected started shipping illegals to their virtue signaling sanctuary city doorsteps. It's this kind of governance that foments rebellion. Which is fine by some as long as it's the other party in power they're rebelling against. But are total hypocrites about their own party's failures.