Who else can’t wait for revolution/civil war ?


Well-Known Member
People spend more when they have better wages. I’m sure profits will be up for a great many companies in that case. A rising tide lifts all boats.
It's a catch-22. Higher prices of fuel and raw goods eventually hits end users, they demand higher wages to pay for it, companies raise their prices to offset that. Some get a little ahead, most are no better off than before. Even UPS has to get concessions in contract negotiations to stay competitive.


Well-Known Member
It's a catch-22. Higher prices of fuel and raw goods eventually hits end users, they demand higher wages to pay for it, companies raise their prices to offset that. Some get a little ahead, most are no better off than before. Even UPS has to get concessions in contract negotiations to stay competitive.
True, but you still cannot deny the difference in pay, benefits, vacations, and retirement, between a UPS driver and a FedEx driver.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
I don’t necessarily disagree, but shop where? Amazon?
My local grocery store chain has pretty much everything I could need on a routine basis. For more specialized things they wouldn't carry, I just go to a specialty store, whether it be in person or online.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
So paying more and giving better benefits to half a million workers won't cut into their profits?
Companies will be able hire a smarter and more efficient professional workforce instead of hiring just anyone who will take the job for a few days or weeks. Any manager at UPS would agree.


Well-Known Member
Companies will be able hire a smarter and more efficient professional workforce instead of hiring just anyone who will take the job for a few days or weeks. Any manager at UPS would agree.
UPS is a lot more demanding than Walmart. It's not a matter of whether Wal-Mart should pay better but just how much more? Companies exist to make money. They don't exist to provide jobs. If they don't make a profit they fold up. Then where will their employees be? Do you think the smarter, more professional workforce will choose to do Wal-Mart type jobs or will they pursue better opportunities? And if you crowd the present half million person workforce out with "better" people what happens to the half million? Let them stsrve? Put them all on welfare?


Heavily Moderated User, Loves Sailfish
I wouldn’t be surprised if a 3 letter agency hasn’t made note of IP addresses of some of the posters in this thread.


Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I wouldn’t be surprised if a 3 letter agency hasn’t made note of IP addresses of some of the posters in this thread.


We’ll know things are getting serious if you know who starts loading up their battle trailers with fresh supplies of pork rinds just in case you know who raises his tiny hand and gives an order (or strong suggestion).


Staff member
It’s always fascinating to me to hear folks talking about revolution in the US. They tend to have a lot of passion on the subject without a lot of deep thought. A lot of angst and conviction without any comprehension of the magnitude of the task in question.

It’s apparently based on an assumption that the military or large sections of it would be on their side and refuse to engage them. That they’d stand by and let these elements go neighborhoods rooting out the “leftists” and “commies”.

“They’d never fire on fellow Americans!” Oh? Why not? If you’re willing to bring violence on fellow Americans, you should expect a violent response. Most times that probably wouldn’t happen because the movement would never get big enough. Other methods would be more effective. The amount of intel at the disposal of the US government after 20 years of the Patriot Act has got to be staggering.

Commercial Inside Release

Well-Known Member
Don't worry, though. China has been lying, and stockpiling enhanced radiation weapons for a WW III surprise attack.

China doesn't care about it's people, only the survival of it's ruling political party, like North Korea. The leaders of the US have no clue, because they're thoroughly indoctrinated into the western world's universe of greed above all else. Americans are just a necessary means to an end for corporate and defense contractor profits, and support of the smoke & mirrors show that is US politics.

Even Russia has to take into account the survival of it's people.

China has no such encumbrances.