Who is the Victim - Blasey or Kavanaugh ... or Both?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Any rational citizen ... it's so obvious that this is just political machinations.
Nothing wrong with that but they act like they are so genuine when they are obviously so full of :poop:.
How do you square your conspiracy theory with the facts that Ford brought this up in 2012, and that she began trying to make the Whitehouse aware before they nominated Kav? Are there similar accusations against everyone on the short list put forth before the nomination?


golden ticket member
How do you square your conspiracy theory with the facts that Ford brought this up in 2012, and that she began trying to make the Whitehouse aware before they nominated Kav? Are there similar accusations against everyone on the short list put forth before the nomination?
Oh, something definitely happened to her...….it just wasn't Brett who did it!!

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Oh, something definitely happened to her...….it just wasn't Brett who did it!!
That’s an answer for why you don’t believe her, it’s not an answer for how it’s all a vast left wing conspiracy. If it was there would be similar accusations against everyone on the short list going back years.


golden ticket member
That’s an answer for why you don’t believe her, it’s not an answer for how it’s all a vast left wing conspiracy. If it was there would be similar accusations against everyone on the short list going back years.
Oh, I believe her...……..it's wrong to assume that I don't. She just has the wrong guy!!


golden ticket member
I find it really hard to see the fake indignation on the faces of Booker, Blumenthal and the rest. Booker wrote a college paper about getting to 2nd base and Blumenthal lied about being in Nam. Jerks!!


Well-Known Member
Kavanaugh would be sent to the full Senate floor for the vote next Tuesday.

Clarence Thomas went to the floor of the Senate for a vote without a recommendation.

Stick to Canada's laws which I doubt you know any better than the USA laws.

it was something he heard at the hot dog cart


Well-Known Member
No evidence, no witnesses, no corroboration,, I tend to believe any innocent citizen would be PO'd. Maybe it's just me.

its all part of the games we play in politics. those dems yesterday were not moved one inch by the damage they have done to Kavs family . they are as cold hearted as anything I have seen.


Victory Ride


Well-Known Member
That’s an answer for why you don’t believe her, it’s not an answer for how it’s all a vast left wing conspiracy. If it was there would be similar accusations against everyone on the short list going back years.
Imagine the firestorm if the FBI were to uncover solid incontrovertible evidence that collaborates Dr. Ford's story and in doing so proves beyond any doubt that Kavanaugh perjured himself in front of the Senate committee?
If they can't then Kavanugh will likely be confirmed by the minimum number of votes. However given that it will be hard enough as it is for the GOP to hold on to it's congressional majority if it turns out that they were backing a drunk and a liar for a SCOTUS seat then quite a number of reps who rode into Congress on the coat tails of Donald Trump will be cleaning out there desks come January.


Well-Known Member
its all part of the games we play in politics. those dems yesterday were not moved one inch by the damage they have done to Kavs family . they are as cold hearted as anything I have seen.

It’s interesting, Gorsuch has a similar CV as Kavanaugh and got confirmed without a hitch.

But all of a sudden there’s a VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY to derail Kavanaugh?

Maybe Kavanaugh is a rapey lush, if so, pick another from the Heritage Foundation list.

All the crocodile tears about Kavanaugh’s treatment are hollow, this is a lifetime appointment, only one chance to get it right...


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Imagine the firestorm if the FBI were to uncover solid incontrovertible evidence that collaborates Dr. Ford's story and in doing so proves beyond any doubt that Kavanaugh perjured himself in front of the Senate committee?
If they can't then Kavanugh will likely be confirmed by the minimum number of votes. However given that it will be hard enough as it is for the GOP to hold on to it's congressional majority if it turns out that they were backing a drunk and a liar for a SCOTUS seat then quite a number of reps who rode into Congress on the coat tails of Donald Trump will be cleaning out there desks come January.
they can't uncover anything because nobody can change their orginal statements or it is perjury.