Who is the Victim - Blasey or Kavanaugh ... or Both?


Well-Known Member
the grease rises to the top:

Ralph Nader‏Verified account @RalphNader 3h3 hours ago

Senator Jeff Flake just lowered himself into Trump's swamp. His vote for an autocratic corporatist, a criminal Iraq War advocate, a Bush/Cheney toady, a recurrent liar, and an abuser of women while under the influence of alcohol to be the next SC Justice is Kavana-ugh. -R
Take care of your own country. You are beginning to get on my nerves, I am near to treating you in the same manner that I do my fellow countrymen that are progressive, constitutional destroyers. Your influence is meaningless, I guess it is the canuck equivalent of Russian "collusion." Mind your own business, work on moving out of mom and pop's basement.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Take care of your own country. You are beginning to get on my nerves, I am near to treating you in the same manner that I do my fellow countrymen that are progressive, constitutional destroyers. Your influence is meaningless, I guess it is the canuck equivalent of Russian "collusion." Mind your own business, work on moving out of mom and pop's basement.
He is upset at trudeau opening the milk market


Well-Known Member
Lol, Collins hopes Kavanaugh will work to lessen the divisions in the SC...

Not bloody likely.
Not aware he has ever caused divisions in the past, she was simply sending him a message, no other reason to devote the time she did on Roe and same sex guidance. Like a dog peeing on a pole, she claimed her territory on why she gives a yes.


Take care of your own country. You are beginning to get on my nerves, I am near to treating you in the same manner that I do my fellow countrymen that are progressive, constitutional destroyers. Your influence is meaningless, I guess it is the canuck equivalent of Russian "collusion." Mind your own business, work on moving out of mom and pop's basement.
tough beans!