Who is the Victim - Blasey or Kavanaugh ... or Both?


Staff member
all the people protesting and calling their reps is real democracy and is how power works.

We don't have "democracy", bud. It doesn't work.
It has never worked.

We have a republic. It does work.
Calling reps is great. All for it.
Protesting peacefully and without antagonizing is great too.
But most protesters don't really like doing that.


We don't have "democracy", bud. It doesn't work.
It has never worked.

We have a republic. It does work.
Calling reps is great. All for it.
Protesting peacefully and without antagonizing is great too.
But most protesters don't really like doing that.
most protestors are doing it peacefully. its your first amendment

and yea the founding fathers were slave holding oligarchs who didnt like democracy.


Inordinately Right
You'd be for anything that would delay the process and somehow get a liberal on the court.
I would like a conservative on the court. Unfortunately we have a two party system and neither one is conservative.

So I'm just enjoying the theater. The seat can stay empty forever as far I'm concerned, 9 seems like a stupidly arbitrary number anyways.


nowhere special


golden ticket member
Susan Collins (Maine) talked for over a half hour and she will vote 'yes' on Kavanaugh. She did her homework (at least her staff did) and I was impressed with her talk.