Who is the Victim - Blasey or Kavanaugh ... or Both?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
All the mud slinging is swinging sympathy to his side.
Not according to polls, he’s the least popular candidate in decades. His creepy interview where he openly lies probably didn’t help him either. He’s been steadily declining in opinion polls since his nomination, just part of why the repugs want to rush him through.


Well-Known Member
Not according to polls, he’s the least popular candidate in decades. His creepy interview where he openly lies probably didn’t help him either. He’s been steadily declining in opinion polls since his nomination, just part of why the repugs want to rush him through.
What did he lie about?


Well-Known Member
I’m just trying to find the line where the right begins to empathize with the victim.

the line was respected and adhered to in July when Feinstien determined this accusation either lacked credibility or could not be proven. When all else failed she (blasey) suddenly became credible as a last ditch hail mary pass.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
I don't care much about Kava's feelings but what this does to his two daughters is the shameful aspect.
i found dr.fords accuser



Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Feinstein dont know if ford is going to show up because it will be a femaĺe lawyer asking the questions


Well-Known Member
My personal feeling is that both of them are victims of the Dims political maneuverings!

According to The Washington Times:
Christine Blasey Ford is not the victim here -- Brett Kavanaugh is

The left has been having its usual field day with truth, drumming a beat that Christine Blasey Ford is a victim, simply because she pointed a finger Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s way, and therefore she has a right to remain hidden in the shadows, shielded from questioning and criticisms and prying eyes into her past because, after all — she is the Victim.

But let’s get the facts straight. At this point in time, it’s Kavanaugh who’s the victim.

Thirty-some-odd years ago, when this supposed drunken sexual assault by Kavanaugh allegedly occurred, was the time for Ford to claim victimhood.

That would have been the time to call police, alert authorities, tell parents and school officials, collect medical evidence and witness testimonies — all the normal actions people who are victimized by sexual assault actually take.
rape victims and america are the victims.

i havent been following whatever BC posts about kavanaugh, but he is a corrupt judge.

the grease usually rises to the top. hes greasy