Who to call to callout sick?

Star B

White Lightening
Trust but verify... isn't that the Reagan way?

I trust my manager to not throw me under the bus, but just in case...

Must suck going thru life trusting nobody.
My trust is earned and can easily be revoked. I trust my local manager to an extent but I know that as soon as a beancounter mandate shows up, the tune will change.
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Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Must suck going thru life trusting nobody.
I went thru The School of Hard Knocks at FedEx. The only ops managers I trusted were fired. The ones who would readily throw you under the bus by lying were tenured. I blame the Corporate Culture at FedEx for that. Learned to suspect everything. Document and verify. Watch your back. Made it out intact.


Well-Known Member
Are you recoding these forum conversations as well?
Screenshots....I have a special folder for them ;)
Wow what?
Justified paranoia is the first line of defense.:online2lo
No, it's called CYA.
Must suck going thru life trusting nobody.
We have 3 AM managers and 2 PM managers. Of the 5, I only trust 2 to own up and admit when they say something and they were wrong. Yes, it's sad.

FYI....I got the ap after a manager threatened me with disciplinary action after I was cleared and on my way home and he wanted me to turn back to go help another courier. My fault for picking up the phone. He claimed dispatch never cleared me. I called dispatch and they told me they told hm they cleared me.....but they admit they shouldn't have. The ap starts automatically when I pick up or make a call and asks me if I want to keep the recording when I'm done. And yes, it is legal in my state.


Well-Known Member
Screenshots....I have a special folder for them ;)

Wow what?

No, it's called CYA.

We have 3 AM managers and 2 PM managers. Of the 5, I only trust 2 to own up and admit when they say something and they were wrong. Yes, it's sad.

FYI....I got the ap after a manager threatened me with disciplinary action after I was cleared and on my way home and he wanted me to turn back to go help another courier. My fault for picking up the phone. He claimed dispatch never cleared me. I called dispatch and they told me they told hm they cleared me.....but they admit they shouldn't have. The ap starts automatically when I pick up or make a call and asks me if I want to keep the recording when I'm done. And yes, it is legal in my state.
I've always called around 9am (im pm shift) and asked for whatever manager is around. It worked everytime until the last time I called off (I think late august?) The lady said I had to tell my manager and not her. Not sure if this is new or she was just being lazy