Who will win democratic nomination in 2020


Well-Known Member
Today, if you don't have a job in government, education or healthcare, chances are you don't have one. The recent shutdown and the layoff of 800,000+ government employees and the impact it had on the economy gives you a pretty good idea as to how large government as an employer really is and that doesn't include the employees who had to continue to work unpaid.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Today, if you don't have a job in government, education or healthcare, chances are you don't have one. The recent shutdown and the layoff of 800,000+ government employees and the impact it had on the economy gives you a pretty good idea as to
how large government as an employer really is
and that doesn't include the employees who had to continue to work unpaid.
Pathetic is what it is.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Yep it happened. It was consensual between two adults. What's the big deal?

It’s a big deal because it’s not married Donald Trump doing the consensual pusillanimous grabbing with women like Stormy Daniels (33 years younger) or Karen McDougal (25 years younger).

Boys will be boys! Trump is a big stud for scoring some young poon. Harris going for a guy who’s 30 years older? Ewwwww!


Well-Known Member
It’s a big deal because it’s not married Donald Trump doing the consensual pusillanimous grabbing with women like Stormy Daniels (33 years younger) or Karen McDougal (25 years younger).

Boys will be boys! Trump is a big stud for scoring some young poon. Harris going for a guy who’s 30 years older? Ewwwww!

My question was more about how the Me too would respond. Don't expect any out rage over Willie doing quid pro quo sex in California

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
My question was more about how the Me too would respond.

OK, then. The answer is: Probably the same way they responded to Trump consensually porking Stormy and Karen. Which is, they didn't. Since they're not victims, even by their own accounting.


nowhere special
My question was more about how the Me too would respond. Don't expect any out rage over Willie doing quid pro quo sex in California
The difference is Willie rewarded her with government jobs and used other people's money instead of his own.
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Well-Known Member
OK, then. The answer is: Probably the same way they responded to Trump consensually porking Stormy and Karen. Which is, they didn't. Since they're not victims, even by their own accounting.

me too did not exist but earlier forms were quite vocal. I don't see that happening with Kamala and willie . political hypocrisy. don't dance with the issue just admit it.

this is the bad thing about politics. when you guys grandstand and pretend to be moral about trumps flings it always comes back at you on yours.


Well-Known Member


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Kamala Harris: Under Medicare for All, If You Like Your Insurance Plan, You Can’t Keep It

In other words, if you like your private health insurance plan, you can't keep it, because the plan that you like is bad, and politicians like Harris will decide what you really need instead. A majority of Americans with employer-sponsored plans are satisfied with their insurance coverage, according to an industry survey. Harris is starting her 2020 campaign by telling them they are wrong.

Both socialists, Bernie and Kamala know what's best for you whether you like it or not. :happy-very:


Staff member
Kamala Harris: Under Medicare for All, If You Like Your Insurance Plan, You Can’t Keep It

In other words, if you like your private health insurance plan, you can't keep it, because the plan that you like is bad, and politicians like Harris will decide what you really need instead. A majority of Americans with employer-sponsored plans are satisfied with their insurance coverage, according to an industry survey. Harris is starting her 2020 campaign by telling them they are wrong.

Both socialists, Bernie and Kamala know what's best for you whether you like it or not. :happy-very:
I doubt it will happen, at least not anytime soon, but if we did eliminate private insurance and cover everyone under medicare or some other single payer plan then the voters would actually be in control of it as any politicians who made changes that the majority didn't like would be voted out of office.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Michael Bloomberg: Medicare-for-all ‘would bankrupt us for a very long time

Former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg said Tuesday that replacing private, employer-provided health insurance was financially impossible and a Medicare-for-all system, a popular progressive policy, would not work in the US.

“I think we could never afford that,” Bloomberg said, addressing pin factory employees in Nashua, New Hampshire. “We are talking about trillions of dollars.”

Even the Soda banner agrees it won't work...:teethy:

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I doubt it will happen, at least not anytime soon, but if we did eliminate private insurance and cover everyone under medicare or some other single payer plan then the voters would actually be in control of it as any politicians who made changes that the majority didn't like would be voted out of office.
Hahahahahahaha! Whew!


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Oh, I forgot, this was part of the article too...

Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, who is weighing a possible 2020 run as an independent candidate, said Tuesday that Harris’ comments supporting the end of private insurance were “not American.”

“That’s not correct. That’s not American,” he said on CBS Tuesday morning. “What’s next? What industry are we going to abolish next, the coffee industry?
