And if there was such a PT revolt it would be put down very quickly by the Local and the International. Just look how they imposed the last contract when the PT at Local 89 stood up.
Have you ever heard the expression, "one step backwards to take two steps forward"?
The imposition of the last contract on Local 89 was a PR nightmare for the IBT and UPS, nearly costing Hoffa the General Election.
No way that happens again.
I have it on good authority that the Local 89 Air Rider is already finished and will be signed off on next week, with the Local getting everything they asked for.
So you see, while it took a contract cycle for the part time uprising in Louisville to bear fruit, in the end it has.
We can make all the excuses in the world for how we got where we are today, but it doesn't change the fact that part time employees are the vast majority, and if they would just rise up and vote, they could write their own ticket.