Why did Ken H resign as UPS Package Director, Local 175 & JC 94?


10 Pt

So where is the update you BS artist?!! Why don't you post some honesty for once in your life? Why don't you explain to everyone that the election will be certified and Ken will be in the clear? I noticed your MIA! You must have gotten your TDU paycheck from the TRF. Keep asking for cash for a rerun that's never gonna happen!!
I am amazed (sublimely) that you keep on spreading the TDU icing on this election issue.
Hoffa/Hall lost in the USA (where the majority of Teamsters work) but not because of TDU. Or are you validating the power of TDU to swing elections because people believe what they say?
I do not understand your worn out 'TDU chant' with every other post you filing on the wall but it's your right to humiliate yourself daily on this forum.
Hoffa/Hall lost in the United States of America. That says volumes and it's a sure litmus test of the members who are sick of the way the Teamsters Union is run.

10 Pt

And while we're griping about the federal RTW bill introduced this week I'd like to parallel the possibile effect of that legislation with the union's non-effort (at least here locally) to reach out to the large group most likely to bail out of paying dues if it passes....
the part-time worker.

When new hires are retained past the thirty day trial period there is absolutely no personal contact from our local to build a relationship or inform the member of their rights and protection as a bargaining unit member.
None. Zero. Zip.
The only contact that they get is from stewards. There should be personal contact (at the least a phone call) by a paid official/BA to the new member to generate validity to the issue that a union cares about their welfare and that the money taken out of their check is not a worthless expense. The stewards don't get the dues money, the local officers do.
So if RTW passes federally and if you're going to take someone's dues money you better show your face where they work or you'll be cut out of "donations" when the member's budget gets tight or when the uninformed new hire believes there's no reason to participate and the absence of personal interaction from local officers validates that thought.
Corruption reports are eating the unions lunches. It's show time.
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Well-Known Member
The part-time worker.

When new hires are retained past the thirty day trial period there is absolutely no personal contact from our local to build a relationship or inform the member of their rights and protection as a bargaining unit member.
None. Zero. Zip.
The only contact that they get is from stewards.
Heaven forbid. Someone actually ON THE SHOP FLOOR contacting new hires. That's exactly the guys/gals the locals should be using for first contact.
There should be personal contact (at the least a phone call) by a paid official/BA to the new member to generate validity to the issue that a union cares about their welfare and that the money taken out of their check is not a worthless expense.
I think you mean to the new employee. If they're members, they already signed up. If they sign up, the local officers/BA then will have their contact info, including possibly a phone number. UPS doesn't freely give this info to locals and certainly not on a timely basis. So unless you have an officer/BA that can "divine" that info, locals depend on their stewards to inform the local of new hires for that desired first contact.
The stewards don't get the dues money, the local officers do.
The local officers do not "get" the dues money any more than the stewards. The local union does, and those funds are controlled by elected leaders and members interested enough to show up at meetings.
So if RTW passes federally and if you're going to take someone's dues money you better show your face where they work or you'll be cut out of "donations" when the member's budget gets tight or when the uninformed new hire believes there's no reason to participate and the absence of personal interaction from local officers validates that thought.
Corruption reports are eating the unions lunches. It's show time.
"Donations" are what you put in a basket on Sundays. Dues buy a service, just like tax dollars. (Wonder why those tax dollar "donations" remain mandatory.) Anyway, if one gets nothing more than a contract with a right to grieve, dues are money well spent.
We all have a desire that our local officials are omnipresent and omnipotent, but the fact remains if members want a strong local union THEY have to step up. Elect better leaders but in the meantime don't cut off your leaders legs with apathy and expect them to run to your aid.
RTW has one sole objective, to weaken unions. Anyone excusing it for any reason needs to remember that.
Heaven forbid. Someone actually ON THE SHOP FLOOR contacting new hires. That's exactly the guys/gals the locals should be using for first contact.
I think you mean to the new employee. If they're members, they already signed up. If they sign up, the local officers/BA then will have their contact info, including possibly a phone number. UPS doesn't freely give this info to locals and certainly not on a timely basis. So unless you have an officer/BA that can "divine" that info, locals depend on their stewards to inform the local of new hires for that desired first contact.
The local officers do not "get" the dues money any more than the stewards. The local union does, and those funds are controlled by elected leaders and members interested enough to show up at meetings.
"Donations" are what you put in a basket on Sundays. Dues buy a service, just like tax dollars. (Wonder why those tax dollar "donations" remain mandatory.) Anyway, if one gets nothing more than a contract with a right to grieve, dues are money well spent.
We all have a desire that our local officials are omnipresent and omnipotent, but the fact remains if members want a strong local union THEY have to step up. Elect better leaders but in the meantime don't cut off your leaders legs with apathy and expect them to run to your aid.
RTW has one sole objective, to weaken unions. Anyone excusing it for any reason needs to remember that.
I think his point is if the union doesn't step
up and get their members to come to meetings by the masses, then they could be out of a job.

10 Pt

Heaven forbid. Someone actually ON THE SHOP FLOOR contacting new hires. That's exactly the guys/gals the locals should be using for first contact.
I think you mean to the new employee. If they're members, they already signed up. If they sign up, the local officers/BA then will have their contact info, including possibly a phone number. UPS doesn't freely give this info to locals and certainly not on a timely basis. So unless you have an officer/BA that can "divine" that info, locals depend on their stewards to inform the local of new hires for that desired first contact.
The local officers do not "get" the dues money any more than the stewards. The local union does, and those funds are controlled by elected leaders and members interested enough to show up at meetings.
"Donations" are what you put in a basket on Sundays. Dues buy a service, just like tax dollars. (Wonder why those tax dollar "donations" remain mandatory.) Anyway, if one gets nothing more than a contract with a right to grieve, dues are money well spent.
We all have a desire that our local officials are omnipresent and omnipotent, but the fact remains if members want a strong local union THEY have to step up. Elect better leaders but in the meantime don't cut off your leaders legs with apathy and expect them to run to your aid.
RTW has one sole objective, to weaken unions. Anyone excusing it for any reason needs to remember that.
I already said the stewards contact the new MEMBERS.
You can be an EMPLOYEE without being a member yet. New members have passed the qualification period and are then MEMBERS who are new. Splitting hairs here.

The local officers get PAID from membership dues. Your point is what?

The Sec/Treas is made aware of new members when the check off starts and the initiation fees and dues start to get extracted. The local has the address and name of everyone paying dues. You don't think they could visit a worksite and/or at least get their phone number thru a steward? Did I ask for "omnipresent" officials? Again, that's a stretch.
"Donations" was used in the context that with RTW available the employee has the CHOICE to give the Union money out of his paycheck. No RTW =s no choice. I don't think you understand what I'm conveying is from the "floor". It is reality here and I know other members in other locals that agree with these statements.

So in conclusion, if you want to reread the post I was talking about our local union (which may or may not be like other's) and what I said is the big picture looking down the road.

Apathy? It's been prevalent for decades now in regards to union members voting and being involved. The people on this forum are not apathetic in their actions whether you agree with them or not.

10 Pt

It really astounds me to think that people can't see the evidence that what I posted was a honest view of the near future of union membership levels and what many existing members feel would help to retain members post RTW.
The voting percentages, the membership meeting attendance, the "taken for granted" pay scale and benefits should show that something is not working. Blame it on the apathetic members, OK I get that, but there are things that can be done to help newbies join and existing members stay.
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Come on... Dont bring Nazism to the thread.
One thing to remember brother. The word nazi is an evil disgusting word. It's an uncomfortable word. They were a deplorable ideology that was human kind at its worst. Words or this subject might be uncomfortable for some, but we always need to remember these horrible historical lessons we have been taught and what they did to real people.

There is an alt right movement moving up within our own government that is starting to resemble the early stages of fascist nazi's. So even as uncomfortable as the phrase is it's par of learning that this stuff comes back around as history repeats itself. People forget history that's the problem. That and they don't want to. Peace to you and thanks for your service.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
I am amazed (sublimely) that you keep on spreading the TDU icing on this election issue.
Hoffa/hall lost in the USA (where the majority of Teamsters work) but not because of TDU. Or are you validating the power of TDU to swing elections because people believe what they say?
I do not understand your worn out 'TDU chant' with every other post you filing on the wall but it's your right to humiliate yourself daily on this forum.
Hoffa/hall lost in the United States of America. That says volumes and it's a sure litmus test of the members who are sick of the way the Teamsters Union is run.
Lmfao! Yet they will still be your Prez and ST. I despise TDU. I'm glad your blind to the deception. Keep spreading your hopeless rant of "they lost in the US", because all Teamsters get a vote. They won in North America, where it matters. Did you know that tdu sucks?

10 Pt

Lmfao! Yet they will still be your Prez and ST. I despise TDU. I'm glad your blind to the deception. Keep spreading your hopeless rant of "they lost in the US", because all Teamsters get a vote. They won in North America, where it matters. Did you know that tdu sucks?
I'm not at TDU member. The fact stands that the majority of Teamsters in the USA want a change in leadership.
Your TDU mantra has become and is white noise.
The truth remains.

10 Pt

A really sad fact is that the majority of Teamsters decided not to vote.
The voting percentages, the membership meeting attendance, the "taken for granted" pay scale and benefits should show that something is not working. Blame it on the apathetic members, OK I get that, but there are things that can be done to help newbies join and existing members stay.
One thing to remember brother. The word nazi is an evil disgusting word. It's an uncomfortable word. They were a deplorable ideology that was human kind at its worst. Words or this subject might be uncomfortable for some, but we always need to remember these horrible historical lessons we have been taught and what they did to real people.

There is an alt right movement moving up within our own government that is starting to resemble the early stages of fascist nazi's. So even as uncomfortable as the phrase is it's par of learning that this stuff comes back around as history repeats itself. People forget history that's the problem. That and they don't want to. Peace to you and thanks for your service.
The N word has a meaning but should never be said or compared either. What you are saying is called Neo-fascist terrorism.. The Nazis were a Neo-fascist terrorist group... Nazi should only be in the history books and schooling... Never compare a fellow teamster a man of a Nazi group that is doing the same as us... Speaking his or her mind... The way that I fought for my country to still make it possible.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
I'm not at TDU member. The fact stands that the majority of Teamsters in the USA want a change in leadership.
Your TDU mantra has become and is white noise.
The truth remains.
The majority of Teamsters want the current leadership to remain. That is the actual truth.


Got the T-Shirt
The fact stands that the majority of Teamsters in the USA want a change in leadership.

The fact stands;

It's the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.

Not the United States Brotherhood of Teamsters.

Have you ever been to Canada ??

Just say'n....



My Senior Picture
I think you mean to the new employee. If they're members, they already signed up. If they sign up, the local officers/BA then will have their contact info, including possibly a phone number. UPS doesn't freely give this info to locals and certainly not on a timely basis. So unless you have an officer/BA that can "divine" that info, locals depend on their stewards to inform the local of new hires for that desired first contact.
In our state, they don't "sign up", it's mandatory.
Upon hiring an employee, it's the Company's responsibility to forward that employees information to the Local Union.
It is abundantly evident this process is intact when dues and initiation fees immediately begin to be taken from their checks.
Every steward has fielded those questions from new hires.
So to pretend that the Local is unaware in our state of newly hired employees, and that the only resource is to have an unpaid, part time steward reach out, welcome, and educate, is quite frankly :bsbullf:


The N word has a meaning but should never be said or compared either. What you are saying is called Neo-fascist terrorism.. The Nazis were a Neo-fascist terrorist group... Nazi should only be in the history books and schooling... Never compare a fellow teamster a man of a Nazi group that is doing the same as us... Speaking his or her mind... The way that I fought for my country to still make it possible.
There will always be Nazi's. If I don't teach others everything about them, when they come me back like now they will be easily fooled. Their form of propaganda is and will always be used. It works.