Its amazing how many months later, the decision by the majority of the membership NOT to participate in the contract voting process, come out to complain about crappy language contained it in
When this latest contract was proposed, I stood against it and tried to make it clear to everyone at UPS and at this site that it was "chockful" of givebacks and unuseful and unenforceable language.
At the end of the day, less than 10% of all UPS's took the time to vote.
Now, we are stuck with a contract that is complicating the job like never before. The Locals are completely unable to handle the problems that are arising out of TELEMATICS and this is bringing the stress levels of ALL drivers to new highs daily.
Now, I read where everyone wants to blame the locals????
SORRY, blame yourselves! Blame your coworkers if you voted and they didnt.
The Union was unable to comprehend the enevitable outcome of article 6 language which is seeing drivers fired on a weekly basis across this country.
But, the membership is to blame, they should have listened to reason, shot the contract down and negotiated better and enforceable language!
But thats history. Crying is over.
Electing new officers wont change a thing, the new ones would still have to deal with the crappy language until 2013.. Our fates are sealed until then.
The lesson here for us all is simple.
If you dont, suffer. That simple.
Enjoy the pain, we got to bear it unitl 2013.