Why does the left get so triggered when secession is brought up?


Heavily Moderated User, Loves Sailfish
Always life is what you make of it but certain people who vote certain ways like yourself make sure those that come after them having a lot harder. And then you tell them you got yours.
Thing is, my kids got it, too. Never paid their loans or bought a house for them. They are in their early 40’s.

Do you empathize with the letter writer? Same views on America? It seems you do.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Yes, and all those things you mentioned people hopelessness is even higher. I love how the left says unemployment rates are better even though people are working jobs that pay less have less benefits, less retirement options, etc. etc. ask your average millennial/ Gen Y if they have any hope of owning a home and I think you’re smugness will go away. Rates are creeping higher and even worse than that is the actual price of owning a home now. The slim chance they had slipping further away, Take a drive through any left leaning large city and tell me crime is down very funny. How about a $50,000 on a $20 an hour job? Funny indeed. Step outside of your safe space and ask someone actually affected by these things not yourself who’s retired and already done all those things but the next group won’t be able to or have to worry about.


Well-Known Member
Crime rates were higher in the early 1990's and we were in a recession with high unemployment. Mortgage rates were over 8% and home ownership was lower than today.

Things are better today than the early 90's.
Wrong. As time has gone by the country only gets worse not better. We’ve been on a downward trajectory since the year I was born which is 92, and that was accelerated in 2001 with 9/11 and then in 2020 with the convid scamdemic. You can bet your ass that before 2030, which is when the elites are on record as wanting to have the new world order in place that there’s gonna be at least one other big phony emergency


Well-Known Member
If you don’t believe me just look at the value of a dollar… what did a dollar buy you in 1950? A heck of a lot. What did it buy in 1975? 2000? What does a dollar buy you today almost nothing. Wages have gone up but not commensurate with crippling inflation