Why I Think UPS Is Great.


Staff member
If that's so, he's in for a rude shock when the new FedEx Ground contractor agreements go nationwide.

In California, the FedEx Ground route owners get big and scared when I talk to them about it.

They used to make the bucks, but now they know they won't make as much, but they don't know just how much less yet.
We made that transition four years ago. Where have you been?


Staff member
In California, because of a successful lawsuit, they are transitioning now.

And the route owners are nervous.
And they have reason to be. I on the other hand, have done ok in the new model. First couple years sucked and they're awfully heavy handed at times, but the hard part is over.
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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Tightest ship = Orion = lol.

The ship might be tight but someone has a screw or two loose.
Orion is not to benefit UPS now.

They will get most of the bugs worked out eventually.

And then you combine that with driverless package cars, and you have a delivery person on car making $15 an hour.

UPS always looks 20-30 years down the road.