If the first National Tree didn't take place till 1923', does that make the previous Presidents anti-christmas? Since it was President Grant who signed into law making christmas a national holiday in 1870', does this mean the previous Presidents were anti-christmas? And what about the
Presidents who never had a tree in the WH, even after Grant made it a national holiday, does this make them anti-christmas?
I always thought it interesting
how we got this holiday in the first place and many, many, many people celebrate it in some form while obtaining great pleasure and wellbeing from it. Even people who hold little or no faith in the "reason for the season" love this time of year. That said, a very, very, very small minority is no threat to this holiday "AT ALL" nor do I see it going anywhere, anytime soon. But charlatans and scam artists for their own benefit will try to use meaningless events to make it appear that way. Same is true of the few atheist or skeptic folks who as well try and use this time of year to obtain their own 15 minutes of fame. This holiday season is all but an immovable object and it's even strongly built into the economic fabric of this country. Truth be told, it's that and not a 2k year old story that makes it the holiday of holidays in this country so sit back, relax and enjoy this most festive time of year and go ahead and plan on doing this the rest of your life because it's not going anywhere. As one who would have no problem if it did for a whole host of reasons, I'm content to accept that your annual flight into fantasy is here to stay!
Merry Christmas, Happy Saturnalia, Enjoy Sol Invictus and raise a toast to Bacchus/Dionysus in [-]t[/-]his holiday season.