Maybe I can break it to you BigUnionGuy...
There is no totem pole in the Teamsters Union! If there were, those at the top would most likely be the heroes of the 1934 Minneapolis strike. Yes...82 years ago 2 Teamsters died on that strike, many more were injured, and even more were arrested. They all put their lives on the line. Pretty damn pathetic that 82 years later, we've got BUG and Belly lowering the standard that they set simply by posting kiss ass messages to each other on an internet site. I guess others have believed in that Teamster totem pole...Billy M...Weldon M...Jackie P...Fitz...Roy W. Yes, there really is a proud tradition in our Union, and our Minneapolis forefathers set the standard. Hopefully, their grandchildren aren't exposed to the nonsense of BUG, Belly and their idiotic totem pole theory.